Thursday, June 16, 2016

Dying To Tell You, But Can't Yet

My life has always been about twists and turns and leaps of faith.
While I can't say that I have never made a bad decision, many of them
have been good ones that have brought me happiness and adventure.

A couple of things are going on in my life right now.  One is something
that I have wanted and looks like I am going to achieve.  I can't tell you
about it just yet, but will as soon as I can.  All I can say is, if it all works
out, I will be tickled pink!

Something else has happened that I thought I had shut the door on.  I
received an email today from a real estate agent about a property we
looked at and thought we would walk away from because it seemed to
be full of problems.  For whatever reason, I seem to have pretty good 
instincts about buying property.  I have two rules that I follow when
looking at property and the overriding one is always ~ location, location,
location.  Then there is the second rule ~ follow your heart.  If it seems
like it is meant to be, it is.  Right now I am searching my soul to see if
this is the right move because one of the obstacles seems to be something
we can overcome.   Here is a hint ~ beach cottage.

The best place for me to contemplate decisions is in my little studio.
It's the place where my mind is free to roam.   Where practical thoughts
are shoved aside in favor of thoughts that come from the heart.  It's the
spot where I hear whispers saying Grow, Grow.

That's all I can tell you for now, but when things are firmed up, I will
fill in the blanks.  In the meantime, I am thinking of having a Fashion 
Friday blog post tomorrow.  Something that is frivolous and fun and
paves the way for the weekend.  Does that sound good to you?

Before I go ~ here is a Bentley update.  That little pistol has been
full of piss and vinegar all week.  I wonder if there is a way to
measure a dog's IQ, because I am sure his is off the charts!  He is
forever inventing ways to amuse us.  Bless his heart ~ we sure do
love that little guy.

And let me leave you with this quote from Somerset Maugham:

It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but 
the very best, you often get it.  

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Sounds like exciting things are going on, Susan! Hope you get just what you want!

  2. Did you say BEACH COTTAGE???


    I hope you get it. Your secret dream thing too.

    1. Yes, I am looking at a beach cottage. It's a wreck, but has potential.

  3. Are you moving to the seaside.

  4. What a tease you are!! Sure hope it works out for the beach cottage. Will be expecting an invitation for a girls' weekend. LOL May your dreams come true (and soon).


  5. Sounds quite intriguing but all in a good way! :))


  6. Sounds like exciting times in your neck of the woods! :) ~Rhonda

  7. Email me, my sleuthing sister, please! My sweet Theo and I are headed back to the hospital for a fructose test tomorrow. He will only be there a couple of hours. He is doing good, in my eyes. I hope the tests prove the same!

  8. Well, you have us all intrigued! I look forward to learning your news!

  9. I hope all goes well. You deserve it.

  10. Sounds exciting! Let us know!

  11. lovely post. Hope your beach house works out! Have a good weekend.


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