Friday, June 24, 2016

What Would You Have Me Do Lord?

Over the years I have asked God for help, for protection for
answers, for jobs, for homes, for comfort.  He has always
been there for me.  

Recently He gave me comfort and strength and
the ability to overcome my depression.  A very dark
cloud was lifted and I once again feel whole and
strong and excited about the future.  He did it all,
I only had to ask and believe in His healing and

Now I have a new request, but it's not for me, it's for Him
How can I serve?  What can I do in His glory?  

I am waiting and listening.  What I know so far is that I am
here to give a message of hope.  Exactly how I am to do this
has not unfolded for me yet, but I know that it will.  All I 
need to do is be quiet and listen.

Have a blessed Friday.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Thank You for posting this. I too am in the habit of asking HIM for answers to my prayers but it is a different thing altogether to wait to listen to what the LORD wants to say to Me. I believe that your question- "What would you have ME do LORD?" is one that God is wishing Everyone would ask, so I've no doubt that you will soon receive a quick reply from God. :)

  2. He will definitely let you know when the timing is right. In His time. Looking forward to seeing what He has in store for you Susan.


  3. I will apologize for the length of this ahead of time, but I hope you will read it. Susan, I was in that same position as recently as three weeks ago. I had been very active with a seniors Sunday School class, but chose to leave the group about two years ago for reasons I won't go into. The two year sabbatical was good, but I had recently begun to feel useless in service to Him. I prayed basically the same prayer you did, and two weeks ago my daughter-in-law asked me to help my granddaughter find a place she could do some volunteering and use leadership skills. I happen to have a rehab/nursing home right outside my back gate, so I stopped by there and talked to the activity director. She was very receptive to helping my granddaughter, so I went with her the first time. I was so refreshed I decided to ask her if I could volunteer with her, too. She said yes she would like to have me. I have been twice now and will go two times a week for 45 minutes each time. We work with a small group (4-6) dementia and Alzheimer's patients. I am so excited I have searched the internet for ideas of games to make or things to buy to work with them. That home has been there about 3 years but I had never considered volunteering there and don't know if I would have or not. But, God in his perfect timing opened that door and I feel so grateful for that. I know it's right because I waited on Him to open the door.

  4. Susan, I think you've answered your own question. Be still and know God will answer you. Just telling others what He's done for you is giving Him glory.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. You have done the right thing and it worked. May you continue to be blessed and find comfort in Him

  6. What a wonderful testimony of God's amazing work! So glad that you have been healed of your depression! Praying for you as you await God's direction for your life! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! :) ~Rhonda

  7. I too have been wanting to know what God wishes me to do. Waiting for an answer is tough, but sometimes we are needed elsewhere, and we don't realize that what God is asking is exactly what we are doing. I long to be involved more at church...but my elderly parents seem to need me more right now, so I answer that call, and hope to make a difference in their time of need.

  8. He will answer you, Susan, and you will be blessed in what you do. I am sure God smiled when you put before Him your request. Keep us posted.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.