Friday, July 15, 2016

Do You Like Cozy Mysteries?

Do you read cozy mysteries?  The ones that are not too gruesome and where
although a murder takes place, it's always in some charming town where 
the protagonist  is a shop keeper, antiques dealer, chef, or gardener.  

Or a Do-It-Yourselfer.

Or maybe you like the classic who done its.  Agatha Christie is the master.

I am always attracted to the cozy series set in charming old houses in
supposedly peaceful and idyllic settings.

The cover can really draw me in too.  Love the name Aunt Dimity also :-)

I read lots of books.  I enjoy non-fiction and biographies and cookbooks
as well as novels, but when I want to get lost in an easy and engaging
novel, a cozy is always nearby.  I am also enjoying all the Hallmark
Movies and Mysteries.  I TiVo them so I can watch several of them in
a row to create my own all day movie marathon.  

Do you do this too?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Susan,

    Yes, I love cozy mysteries. I've read all the Aunt Dimity mysteries (love those) and my sister-in-law reads the Laura Childs tea shop mysteries. Our son likes Agatha Christie and Dorothy Sayers. What would we do without books? :)

    Have a good weekend!


    1. I have no idea what we would do without books! And I never want to find out ;-)

  2. I have read a few cozy mysteries. Lisa @ Texas Decor reads them all the time and shares about them. I'm pinning to remember. :)

  3. You are reminding me of how I used to love to stay up late at night reading Agatha Christie mysteries. I need to get back to it :)

  4. Like you, I read many genres, from cozy mysteries to mystery series set in Italy by Donna Leon and Andrea Camilleri, to memoirs and other nonfiction. I do love books, can you guess what career I chose? Librarian.

  5. I love "The Cat Who" series by Lilian Jackson Braun. I'm reading them on Kindle as it's an older series. One is missing so I borrowed the real book from my friend. How can they skip putting one book out for Kindle? Anyway I love KoKo and YumYum. Koko helps his owner, a newspaper journalist that delves into crimes, to solve the cases.

  6. Yes I love the same kind of books and like you I never want to find out what it would be like to not have them. I love the Miss Julia series by Ann B. Ross. As a child I read every Nancy Drew book that I could get my hands on and still have them and I've added quite a few more over the years.

  7. Susan! You are a kindred spirit for sure! I love cozy mysteries! Started out with Agatha Christie's then PD James, but now hooked on cozier! Love your blog, glad to hear you, Bently and family settling in down in Texas.

  8. Love Childs, Braun, Fowler, Haines, Carlisle and millions more!!

  9. Love cozies! Laura Childs and her tea mysteries are my favorite, also read her scrapbooking cozies and Egg ones. I, too, love the Miss Dimity series and also like the Lucy Stone ones by Leslie Meier. So nice to find a kindred spirit!

  10. Have you read any of Laurie King's Mary Russell series? You would enjoy them. Mary Russell is Sherlock Holmes assistant in his retirement years. Great idea for these hot summer days.

  11. Hmmmmmm, mysteries, sleuthing, murder,cozy, Hallmark. OF COURSE!

  12. I love cozy mysteries too. Aunt Dimity, Agatha Christie and the Cat Who ?? series are all good ones. Enjoyed all the comments and got some new authors to read too!

  13. I love cozy mysteries and read all I can find by one author before I move on to another one. I've read all the Rita Mae Brown and Sneaky Pie Brown (cat) mysteries and can't wait until the next one comes out. Also like the Laura Childs tea shop mysteries set in Charleston, my favorite city.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.