Thursday, July 28, 2016

Happy 150th Birthday Beatrix Potter and A Winner!

I am hoping to get this blog post done before the thunderstorm gets here!
Thunderstorms are not my favorite, but we really need the rain!!


I'm back.  I had to get off the computer during the thunderstorm.  It 
didn't last nearly long enough, but I am grateful for any rain we 

Back to our two topics for the day, Beatrix Potter's 150th birthday and 
the winner of the enamel house sign.  I love Beatrix Potter for many 
reasons.  She was an excellent artist and creator of children's tales 
that have charmed so many for so long.  She loved biology and was
fascinated by nature.  If women had more rights back in her day, she
would have become a famous scientist instead of a children's author.
I personally am happy for the latter.  

Beatrix purchased land in the Lakes Region of England near 
Sawrey, Cumbria with monies she earned from the sale of her books
and also with an inheritance from an aunt.  She named this property
Hill Top Farm.  Because Beatrix was a conservationist, she left the
farm to the National Trust so that it would be preserved for generations
to come.  She was a very accomplished woman indeed.

We first meet Miss Potter's charming characters when we are young, and then
pass down the love of her tiny books to our children, nieces, nephews and 
grandchildren.  They are treasured by many.  So Happy Birthday Miss Potter.
Your talents and generosity of spirit will live in the generations of hearts
yet to come.

Now on to the winner of the house sign ....

Down the Lane With Daisy!    I will contact you and the Ramsign company
so that you can select the style and color of your sign that will be made
especially for you!  Congratulations!!

Thank you to all who participated in this giveaway.  If you didn't win
this time, there will be chances to win other prizes in the future.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I'm so excited to win this sign and from one of my favorite bloggers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! And a kiss and hug to Bentley.

    1. I hope this sign is a great addition to your home. Enjoy!

  2. The icing on the cake about Beatrix Potter is that (as you point out) she preserved and then gave to the National Trust a group of farms to be maintained in old school ways. Bless her vision.

  3. Susan Branch did a lovely trip to Beatrix potter's home it is in her book a fine romance.

    1. I read Susan's book and loved it! Although I have been to England many times, I have never been to Hill Top Farm and would love to go. How wonderful that Beatrix preserved it for us.

  4. I am so happy she became a children's author!

  5. I just came across your post this morning. How lovely. I love Beatrix Potter as well. You have honored her and her books today. Thank you. I love your photo's so much, they are lovely.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.