Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Never Enough Time

I wake up in the morning with plans that are never going to fit into
a 24 hour day.  So many things I want to do, make, read about and
explore.  If I ever hear someone say that he or she is bored, I 
just can't wrap my mind around that problem.  

How can anyone ever be bored?

I seem to have an assortment of projects going at any given moment.
I am currently designing a pattern for a rag doll.  I saw one recently that 
was so cute and just knew I wanted to make one.  I have the perfect
excuse now.  My cousin and his wife just had their first granddaughter. 
She is a precious little peanut named Teagan, and since I never had a 
little girl of my own, I now have the perfect excuse to make all sorts
of things for this little one.  What fun I will have!  

Speaking of projects, my granny square stash is growing daily.  I
can hardly wait to bind them all together and complete my first 
granny square blanket.  I already have plans for a second one.  

I always have a stack of books to read.  Here is my latest.  This is the
second mystery I have read by Katherine Hall Page and I am really
enjoying this author.  

What have you been up to???

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. The days never do seem long enough...I have definitely tried to slow down a little! You have lots of fun and creative things going on!

  2. Anxious to see your little rag doll! I know she will be a cutie!! I've never understood people who say they are bored????


  3. Paige is a favorite author of mine. I read your recommendation about the house in New Orleans and enjoyed it. Just finished reading the nightingale. Excellent fiction about French resistance during World War Two.

  4. Susan, I make lists and never get everything crossed off. ;-)
    Going to go pick up a book from the library tomorrow.......Vinegar Girl.

  5. Your granny square stash is so pretty ♥

  6. I have great plans for each day but don't seem to get it all done! I'll just keep on trying. Can't wait to see the rag doll.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.