Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Transitioning From Summer to Fall

We had the laziest of Labor Day weekends.  We tossed around the idea
of going somewhere, but chose just to stay home and be lazy instead.

I stopped at the library and picked up another stack of books for the week.
I have been reading so many mysteries lately, but a friend told me that
I might like this author (Jenny Colgan) for something new and fun.  I
have not totally transitioned away from summer reading just yet ;-)

David managed to play some golf in between the raindrops, while I stayed
home and started to play with some fall decor around the house.

I started to assess my fall/winter wardrobe to fill in the voids.  I
did purchase some new "fall" sandals.  Yes sandals for fall.  It won't 
get chilly here for a couple of more months, but I wanted something
less summery and I think these will look cute with burgundy polished
toes.  By this time, I am usually tired of wearing flowery pastels and
am longing for plaids and warm colors.  Do you feel that way?

We had fun with our meals too.  We ordered in pizza one night, and 
one afternoon we went out for Chinese.  Saturday night we had what 
we lovingly call our appetizer dinner.  I just create a variety of fun
finger foods and serve it with champagne while we watch movies in
the family room.  So casual and relaxed.  And I discovered cream cheese
with cinnamon, honey and pecans spread on seeded and toasted
bagels.  Yummy!  Of course, now that the weekend is over, it's back
to my usual oatmeal and berries every morning.  

One last update ~ I finished 48 granny squares.  I am so excited and
can hardly wait to start stitching them together!!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Replies
    1. Well, come on down here Laura! Summer hangs around until about November :-)

  2. Texas girls must wear fallish sandals. I'm with you on that one. :)

  3. I just love that basket with scarecrow and pumpkin! Very cute ♥


  4. It sounds like a great weekend. Those bagels sound amazing. Have a happy week, Susan.

  5. Hi -- Can you take a picture of that afghan you are putting together? I would love to see the colors you are using...I have been sewing & am tired & need a break. Crocheting an afghan sounds better to me!!


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