Monday, October 31, 2016

Andrew Has a New Home and a New Name

Little Andrew was the sweetest little gift from heaven.  He lived with us
from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon.  I loved every minute that
he was with us.

A very dear friend of mine is very involved in dog rescue in Atlanta.
She told me that Andrew is not a Pit Bull, but more likely a
Retriever/Plott Hound mix.  The Plott is the state dog of North
Carolina and is a hunting dog used to hunt bears, wild boars,
coyotes and cougars.  A very brave breed in the field and a very 
affectionate dog at home who is also good with children and other

This little one is so sweet, calm and so good natured, that I think
a lot of retriever characteristics are also present.  That being said,
he is a smart and loving little guy.

We tried seeing how he and Bentley would get along, but poor little
Bentley was overwhelmed.  I knew that it would be harder on Bentley
as the pup grew into a big dog.  Bentley is my baby, he's 10 now and
will be 11 in December.  I had to put his needs first, so as much as
I would have loved to keep the puppy, we decided against it.  
But, and this is a big but, ONLY if we could find him a good and
loving home where he would be safe, secure and happy.

My neighbor offered assistance in helping me find a new home
for Andrew.  One of her co-workers knew of someone looking for
a puppy to be a companion to her rescue dog Nugget.  We
arranged a meeting.  Karen and her boyfriend came over and
instantly fell in love with the puppy.  I learned that they have
a large fenced in back yard, were long time dog lovers and that
Karen works from home so that she would be with Andrew all
day.  Most importantly, they fell in love with the puppy.

But what is even better, is that Andrew's new mama is
A BLOGGER.  Karen is a food blogger who will be branching
out to other topics too.  I have been to her blog and love it!

Cooking With Karen ~ Adventures of a Southern Girl

Karen is darling and you will love her blog, so make
sure y'all stop by and say hi to her!

And here is the puppy formerly known as Andrew, and now called
Chewy (after Chewbacca from Star Wars).  Chewy had a fun play session
with his big brother Nugget and needed a nap, so Karen put him in her
bed with his new teddy bear.  My last little gift to him was his blue collar.
I am so happy that everything worked out so well.  I fell in love with the
little guy and cried last night after he left and this morning too.  However,
knowing that he is happy and is loved has washed away those tears and
only smiles are left.  This is a very happy ending indeed!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Dear Sister,
    One of your most special posts! Little Chewy is so darling, all snug in Momma's bed. Love it all!!!

    1. Karen sent me more photos too. There is a very cute one where he is on his back sound asleep. I know he feels secure because dogs only will sleep on their backs when they feel safe. He is home at last!

  2. Sweet new beginning for little Chewy.

  3. I love this story and the happy ending. So glad Andrew found a new forever home. Thank you for doing a good deed! Happy Halloween, Susan!

  4. I would have taken Chewy in a heartbeat! He is adorable. Hey I was in Marrieta and Lawrenceville over the weekend. I could have brought him home!

    1. I'm not in Georgia, but Texas, so it would have been a very long drive for you!

  5. This is such happy news!! Chewy is the perfect name. :)

  6. Susan...this is just heartwarming and has made my day! Angels on earth!! Thank you for opening your heart and home to this darling little guy and assisting in a happy ending!

    1. It was my pleasure to help him. I loved the brief time I spent caring for this precious little guy!

  7. So glad to hear that Andrew/Chewy has a new home! Thanks for doing that.

    1. Every day each of us has the opportunity to help those in need.

  8. Thank you so much for giving us Chewy. He has been such a blessing to our home. He sleeps in bed with me at night and is the perfect little alarm clock. I love waking up to his little puppy breath. I look forward to more of your posts Susan and I am so grateful I have met you!

  9. I am glad he has a new home, but this is why I could never foster a dog or cat! Broken heart ,even though you know it is for the best. Which is why I once had eight cats and two big dogs. He looks very happy!

  10. Oh my it looks like our angel cousin Annie. Precious
    Lily & Edward

  11. Love happy dog stories! Chewy has a fur-ever home and a playmate to boot. Kisses for Bentley...

  12. First time, I'm stopping by...What a lovely blog you have, delightful to be here!


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