Sunday, October 23, 2016

What Bob Newhart, Bill Murray and I Have in Common

We are all so very happy this morning because all three of us, Bob, Bill
and I, are lifelong fans of the Chicago Cubs and we have been waiting
for this morning for a very, very, very long time!!!

The game was on last night at our house.   David watched while I paced.
I would watch for a minute, then had to leave the room because I was
so darn nervous.  I read an article yesterday that stated that Bob
Newhart (the king of calm) got nervous watching his beloved Cubbies
too.  I completely understand that reaction.  Every year of my life since
I can remember, I have hoped for the Cubs to win the pennant.  Each
year, that hope died ~ however, every spring it was renewed.  I loved
the Cubs.  I believed in them.  I was like a mama who never, ever gives
up faith in her baby.

Year after year, patiently waiting.  Never, ever, giving up hope.
My love ever strong.  

But last night I was as nervous as I could be.  I was pacing,
wringing my hands, walking in and out of the room for a peek at the
screen.  Praying, hoping, the years of faithful devotion and the 
possibility of victory actually, finally, within reach!!!

Would it really happen?  Was this the moment I have been waiting
for since childhood???

The moment it was over, tears began running down my face.  
It was if the flood gates opened and the tears didn't stop for a long time.
In fact, as I write this I am crying again.  I'm so happy!

Would Bob Newhart understand ~ yes I think so.  Would Bill
Murray understand ~ yes, I am sure he would too.

Will I be nervous when the World Series begins?  You betcha!
Will I have hope and pace?  Absolutely I will!

But for today, the sun is shining on Wrigley Field.  The 71 year curse has 
been broken and all is so right with the world today!

Thank you Chicago Cubs.  Congratulations on your victory.  Your
devoted fans love you and that includes Bob and Bill and me too.

There is one other thing Bill Murray and I have in common.  We are both
from this little village on Lake Michigan, just north of Chicago.  It is
where I spent the first few years of my life before my parents moved 
just north of Wilmette.  I am quite sure that there are lots of happy Cubs
fans celebrating there today.


Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I am a long, long,long time Red Sox fan so I feel your pain. As long as my Sox were no longer in it, I was hoping the Cubs would come through and they did. I truly hope they win the World Series because they so deserve it. No team should have to wait as long as the Sox and Cubs waited. Best of luck.

  2. I too am a long time Cubs fan. I also tears last night. I just couldn't believe it. Now on to the World Series. Go Cubs Go !!!!!!!!!!

  3. I cried last night, too. I so wish my parents, grandparents, and aunts & uncles who have passed could have watched.... but, somehow I think they did!! I grew up in the Chicago 'burbs, too, and it has been a LONG LONG path to arrive here!! I was a senior in high school when the 67 Cubs imploded. Seems like yesterday. "Go, Cubs go!! Go, Cubs go!! Hey, Chicago what do you say... the Cubs are going to win today!!!!!!!!!" And onward we go!

  4. Congratulations, Susan!!! My neighbor is a transplant from Chicago and he is just beside himself today, I know. He posted on FB the minute they won last night. What a dream come true! xo Diana

  5. My facebook page is full of posts from my Chicago relatives, all saying the same thing, wahoos and all!!!! Congrats to you and all Cubs fans.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.