Thursday, October 20, 2016

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

For the past ten plus years, my life story has been interwoven with the 
most over the top characters imaginable.  People with such, anything but 
normal type of behavior, that has led me to believe ~
You can't make this stuff up!

During this time while surrounded by this craziness, I have often
wondered ....

Why have I been cast a role in this drama?  Am I just a casual
observer standing in the wings, or am I an integral character?

I believe that Oprah once said something like ....

God drops pebbles on your head before He drops the brick

If I have misquoted Oprah, I apologize, but I have come to realize that
there are reasons why a message is delivered, and delivered again and
again until one stops ignoring the message and takes steps to unravel
it's meaning.

So now I am digging in my heels and doing the hard work of putting
all these messages into focus and bringing them to life.  

I am polishing up my story telling skills to weave some tall and not
so tall tales.  Tales that will put into meaning the saying ....

Three gallons of crazy in a two gallon bucket.

I have come to realize that is why God sent me back to Texas.
Down here in South Texas among the big old Live Oaks,
is just the perfect spot for weaving story lines and telling tales.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh my, those characters sound interesting.

  2. Whatever you do, it will be fantastic!

    Love ya,

  3. I agree with you Susan, Truth is often stranger than fiction.

  4. Can't wait to hear/read more!
    I am intrigued!!

  5. :)

    Thinking of all the stories you will find under the oaks in Texas...


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.