Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sunday Afternoon At Home

The last few weeks before Christmas can be very busy, it's fun but
it's hectic too.  Parties, shopping, decorating, crowds and everything
associated with the season can over charge our internal clocks.  On 
Sunday, all I want to do is shut out the rest of the world and climb
into our cozy cocoon and that is exactly what we are doing today.
There is no schedule and we are just doing whatever we feel like
doing.  What a treat!  I hope y'all are having a restorative Sunday 

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Sounds like a great idea to me!! Enjoy!


  2. There's no place like home - for sure!

  3. Our Sundays have finally become our slow down do nothing day, unless there is something we want to do that is fun or relaxing. Today was a quiet day at home to finish up our Christmas decorating. It now looks like the holidays around the house. Glad you were able to stay in and relax today!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.