Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Come See My New Lamp

After we visited the Big Red Barn up in Round Top on Saturday,
we stopped at another antique venue down the road.  In one of
the first booths I passed, I spotted a lamp.  If you look at the 
reflection in the mirror above, you can catch a glimpse of the 
lamp I saw.

I instantly fell in love with this equestrian motif lamp base.
I asked David if he liked it too, and although he said yes, I
guessed that he was thinking ...
Do we really need another lamp???

No, we don't need another lamp, but I do want this one.
Our foyer is a tribute to my love for all things equestrian, but
you already knew that if you follow this blog :-)

Poor David, he is a real sweetheart for putting up with my
lamp obsession.  When we turn off all the many lamps in our
house each night, he likes to say ....

Notify the power company of a power surge.  The Freeman
household is shutting down for the night.

It's true, and it makes me giggle!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Yes, you did need that lamp. No question about it. We have similar tastes when it comes to the English hunt and I lust after most of your accessories. This is a great addition.

    1. Thank you Pattie! I will show your comment to David :-)

  2. You can never have to many lamps, I have a few.

  3. Hi Susan! Of course you needed that darling lamp! It looks like it was made for you. Do you ever get to ride any more? Enjoy your week.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. I share your lamp fetish! LOVE your new lamp!

  5. I love lamps and chairs and always fitting them in someplace.Love your newest lamp for sure

  6. I love your new lamp. I LOL'd when you told us what he says at night:) Too funny!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.