Tuesday, January 10, 2017

How Did I Not Know This?

This past Saturday I went to the library to return a book and look for
some others.  I enjoy reading and try to vary the genres, but there are
times when I am really in the mood for a cozy mystery.  I was having
a hard time deciding which titles, and which authors to choose, when
I took a title off the shelf...

Murder Gets a Life by Anne George.  The cover states that it is a
Southern Sisters Mystery.  While that description intrigued me,
what really convinced me to grab a few of her titles was that Anne
 is an Agatha Award winner. 

The Agatha Awards are named after beloved mystery writer
Agatha Christie and are handed out yearly to authors of cozy
mysteries.  After learning of this honor, I decided to give four
of her titles a go.

I started with Murder Gets a Life and I was already chuckling by page two.
I needed a chuckle too because I was stuck in bed with a fever and a sore 
throat all day yesterday.  In between naps, I reached for the book.  

I did a bit of research and learned that Anne was also a poet and her
her collection of poetry Some of it is True, was nominated for the
Pulitzer Prize in 1993.  She was also Alabama's 1994 state poet.
Sadly, Anne passed away in 2001 of complications during heart surgery.

How did it take me so long to discover Anne George?  I don't know
why it did, but I am happy that I have found her now.  

Today is my first day out of bed.  I am feeling better, but I don't want
to over do it and relapse.  I have to get better soon because my 
8 foot tall ginger was damaged during our freezing cold temps
and will need to be cut down.  It makes me sick, but what else can
I do?  It will grow back no doubt, but it will take a while :-(

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley 


  1. I've not heard of her but appreciate your insight and I'll have to look for some of her books. Very sad to hear she has passed away. Hope you're doing well. Oh, pop over and see my new sorta 'doll house'!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. I can't wait to see your doll house creations! Let's shrink ourselves!!

  2. Hmm. Now I have to check her out as well. I too like a good mystery ☺ Here's to feeling better.

    1. Do check her out. Her she is a cozy and fun mystery writer!

  3. Susan,
    I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. Please check out all the Anne George books they are wonderful! Sadly there just aren't that many.
    Take care,
    Dawn R.

    1. I am only on my first book, but I know I will be sad when I finish all of them. I also know that I will now purchase her books to have in my library. She's a keeper!

  4. I read her books a long time ago and LOVED them! That's actually how I discovered Sister Schubert's rolls. :)

    It made me sad too that she died. I would have loved to read more of her wonderful books.

    1. I think I will have to start writing a fun mystery series. I don't know if it will be as good, but I think we all need a bit more humor in this crazy and often too serious world we live in.

  5. First off, I am so sorry that you are sick. Secondly, I am sorry that you lost your ginger (tree/plant?) You have had some crazy weather there, too, I guess.
    I have never heard of that author but I am jotting her name down. I love a good little mystery.
    Have a good night.
    I had a day like you, I think. I got nothing done because I screwed up my back somehow. It is better tonight but has been miserable for two days. Just hope that it is much better tomorrow.
    Have a good night and get well soon- xo Diana

    1. I am contacting the Texas A&M Extension to see what I can do about my ginger plants. I believe they will come back, but I want to trim them properly. I hope your back feels better soon!! Love and hugs coming your way <3

  6. I am going to see if my library has any of her books. I need some good reads. I love reading Agatha's books. I too like a good mystery. Nothing scary though. I hope you are feeling better soon. Don't over do. Hugs,

    1. That's exactly why I enjoy cozy mysteries ~ no bloody, nasty scenes and a bit more humor too. I also love Agatha's books, especially her Miss Marple character.

  7. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well...all kinds of bugs going around. Never heard of Anne George but will be checking out her books. Have always loved mysteries since I read Nancy Drew books as a kid.

    1. I am starting to feel better. Just a little bug I probably picked up while traveling. Do pick up Anne George ~ you will love her!

  8. wow!! so many mystery books.. I took three different types of books from library.. and i finished them in 10 days.. I'm very impressed with myself.. :).. hope you 'll feel fine soon..

    Please visit: http://from-a-girls-mind.blogspot.com

    1. Love your literary enthusiasm. Reading is one of the great joys!

  9. Be well soon friend, and how good you discovered a new (to you) cozy mystery author.

  10. How did you not know, indeed? I absolutely adore this series and relate strongly to Mary Alice even though my name is Patricia Ann. I have been mourning Anne George for more than a decade. I blogged a recipe for orange rolls in her honor. Glad to find another fan. Oh, by the way, the audiobooks are equally wonderful.

    1. Hi Pattie ~ Oh I know that I will enjoy the audiobooks too! Thanks for the heads up!!

  11. I love a cozy mystery and will check her out for sure! Hoping you feel much better and don't over do (I did) and relapse! Rest, rest and more rest! Hugs.

    1. Hi Linda, I hope you are feeling better. I slept almost all day on Monday and then through the night too. On Tuesday, I drank lots of tea and orange juice and tripled by Vitamin C intake. It must have worked, because I am beginning to feel like myself once again. Take care sweet girl.

  12. Sorry you haven't been feeling well! This crazy weather is enough to make everyone ill! Just hot and cold and hot and cold. I'm really for Spring!!

    Take care!


    1. We have spring weather now ~ but who knows how long it will last!

  13. I am SO ready for Spring. Our weather person was just saying last night that this is the strangest winter everywhere that he has ever seen. So sorry about your being under the weather and so sorry about your ginger plant. Thanks for the tip on the mystery books. I love a good mystery!

    1. I hope you find some copies of Anne George's books as I know you will love them. My ginger will be fine. I spoke to a very nice fellow at the Texas A&M agricultural extension and he told me to cut them down to about 6 inches and they will grow back. He also told me that the same thing happened to his 10 foot tall ginger, so not to worry. So glad to get that good news!!

  14. Love the Anne George books! I purchased them all from Amazon (used) and laughed my way through each one. Those crazy sisters! Great stories, too. I need to go back and re-read them.


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