Friday, January 27, 2017

Quick and Easy Weekend Treat

Down here in South Texas, we love our Mexican food!  Our little 
city of Victoria has a very large Hispanic population and we all
benefit from the yummy food.  Our local HEB makes fresh tortillas
daily in flour, wheat and corn.  They also stock beautiful peppers,
both sweet and spicy, dried and fresh.  David and I love it!  

Since I always have tortillas on hand, it's really easy for me to
whip up a batch of quesadillas for a snack, for lunch, or with a
salad for dinner.  They are versatile and are accepting of anything
one wants to place between the layers.  Today I am going to 
tell you about one of our favorite creations ....

Caramelized Onion and Smoked Gouda and Bacon Quesadillas

This creation of mine is not a Mexican dish, but it is yummy 
and we really enjoy it.  So easy too!

Slice up a couple of sweet onions.  Saute in oil until
soft, then add a sprinkling of sugar to help the onions to
caramelize.  Don't rush this step because the caramelized onions
add a lot of delicious flavor.  

Shred or thinly slice the Gouda cheese.  Add a layer to 
the top of a tortilla.  Using a fork, add a layer of onions
to the top of the cheese, and then add another layer of
cheese.  Top with a tortilla.  Place this quesadilla in a 
non-stick skillet over medium heat.  Let the tortilla start
to brown and see that the cheese is melting.  Flip the
quesadilla and repeat the process on the other side.

Plate the quesadilla.  Cut into fourths and serve with
you favorite salsa and a dollop of sour cream.
Yummy!  Enjoy!

I am planning on visiting an antique show this weekend
and hope to have lots of great pics to share with y'all
next week.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. That sounds delicious. Do you know I have never made Quesadillas at home. Pretty sad, huh? These sound easy and like something the kids would love.
    Have fun at the antique show this weekend. I'll look forward to the pictures from there. xo Diana

  2. Please invite me to supper! Ha ha LOL have a great weekend!

  3. You've got me now. I am going to the store and get the ingredients and I am going to have me some of that yummy stuff.

  4. I use to make a pizza on the tortillas with salsa, tomatillos, and cheese and whatever else I had on hand like black olives. Bake in the oven.
    This recipe sounds great.

  5. Was just wondering, where does the bacon come in?


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