Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Good Reads

I have been thinking about the quality of my life recently, and
I realized something was lacking ~ reading.  Throughout my life
I have been a good reader, but during the past several years, 
reading has taken a back seat.  Recently, I renewed my Good Reads
account.  I joined the online group back in 2010, but then my
Daddy died and responsibilities built up and I neglected my 

I set a goal for myself of 100 books read by the end of 2107.
Since we are already half way into February, I have been playing
catch up, but enjoying every moment.  Initially, I began with 
four of the Anne George mysteries.  They were so enjoyable that
I breezed through them so quickly.  Then I decided to read a book
that I purchased several years ago, but had not complete.

That book is Saving CeeCee Honeycutt.  It's a novel that begins
in Ohio and moves on to Savannah, Georgia. The characters have
many tragic moments, yet the happier events that evolve kept me
from crying too many tears.   All in all, I didn't want the story
to end.

Since I finished the book so quickly, I checked to see if the author
wrote any others, and luckily for me, she did.  I checked out
Looking for Me from our local library, and I am enjoying it now.
Of course, the cover of the book and its subject easily drew me 
into its pages.  I don't believe that Beth Hoffman has published
any new books yet, but I will be anxious when her next title appears.

Since I seem to be drawn to books with storylines based in the
South, I decided to do a bit more reading about Southern authors.
South Toward Home by Margaret Eby, takes the reader into the
small towns that were the roots for such authors as Flannery
O'Connor, Harper Lee and Truman Capote among others.  Years
ago I devoted my time to reading the classics of the Victorian age.
  I not only reread many of these classics, but I also read biographies 
of the authors and read scholarly reviews of their works.  Now I
feel the same desire to learn more about the South and its rich
literary history.

If you are not reading now, or if you are an avid reader and are 
looking for some suggestions of what to read next, think about
joining Good Reads.  It is fun and free and a great social platform
for readers.  If you want to keep up with what I am currently
reading or have completed, you can follow me here.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I love to read, too! I love the quote - "You are never alone if you have a book."
    I ALWAYS have a book!

    1. I agree! I have books in virtually every room in the house.

  2. I am on Good Reads also. I love finding new books and authors. I loved Saving CeeCee Honeycutt so I will put this new book on my list. I really would not be as happy as I am without books to read.

    1. Books enrich our lives. I hope you enjoy Looking for Me as much as I am.

  3. I love to read and I don't even know what Good Reads is. I love books about the south, too. Happy reading, Susan. xo Diana

    1. The South has such a great literary history. You should join Good Reads. You will like it!

  4. Susan, I have fallen behind in reading too. I tend to spend too much time on the computer and not enough with a book in my hand. I'm working to balance that! Just finished The Widow Clicquot. Great non-fiction about an amazing woman. If you love champagne, you'll enjoy this book.

    1. I do love champagne and I will look for this book too!

  5. Wow! I thought I was doing good reading 26 books last year, but I guess I'll have to step it up!

  6. I LOVE your recommendations, so just requested both of the Hoffman books in audio form. I have a huge stack of books to read (working my way through the Rosemont series), so will be happy to have new audiobooks.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.