Friday, February 3, 2017

Spread the Love

With all the arguing, shouting and discord we are experiencing on
social media right now, wouldn't it be nice if we could put our
differences aside for a couple of days and spread some love?
I am worn about by the finger pointing and expletives that have
been dominating Facebook.  It makes me want to plug up my
ears with my fingers and shout ....

I can't hear you!

That's why I have chosen to make this blog an argument
free blog for the rest of this month at least.  Consider this your
political free zone where I will shower you with love and laughter.

I have been playing with kitchen decor this morning and 
wanted to show you my tweaks before I get back to doing
the chores I really should be doing ;-)

Isn't this just the cutest linen kitchen towel?  David bought it
for me while we were up in Round Top last Saturday.  I love that
little town with it's rolling hills, longhorns in the pasture, 
antiques, and pie!  Must not forget the delicious pies from
Royers Pie Haven.  My favorite is Junk Berry.  

It's cloudy and chilly.  I will absolutely not miss building a
fire in the fireplace tonight.  Tomorrow I would just love to
stay home and cook up pots of soup.  Some homemade tomato
and basil soup and grilled cheese sandwiches made with 
cheddar cheese and fontina.  Yum ~ real comfort food.
David can watch golf or those vintage car restoration shows
he loves so much.  Bentley and I can cuddle up in our cozy
chair and finish the Anne George mystery I am currently
reading.  I just laugh out loud when I read her books, and
it's so unfortunate that she is no longer with us.   She was a
true gem.

Stay warm and toasty, wherever you may be.  If you get fed up
with adults and want to embrace the heart of a child, you are
welcome anytime.  Just leave your troubles at the doorstep.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Cozied up by a nice warm fire here. We did take a walk, but otherwise have been snuggled inside reading. They say next week will be warm again, but I love this snuggle weather. ;-)
    I went to Round Top last Friday for the Winter Antique Show. Did you and David go?
    Have you been to Leftovers in Brenham? Huge store with a mix of vintage / antique and new things. Only a short drive from Round Top.

    1. Hi Sarah! Yes, we were up there last Saturday and I went to the Big Red Barn and a couple of other spots. Spent some money ;-) I have not been to Leftovers yet, but will go on your recommendation. I love Brenham! Stay cozy this weekend. I am enjoying this weather too. We know only too well that before long it will be hot and humid once again.

  2. That is exactly what we are doing today. Yesterday we cooked a big meal for a dear friends birthday and served 9 people for dinner. This morning I packed the leftovers in to to-go boxes and sent thehubs out to deliver dinner to four more of our friends. I have so enjoyed taking it slow and easy today. I am feeling so blessed today.

  3. Good for you girl! These issues are getting so blown out of the water and it is so discouraging to hear all the ugliness. I'm just not reading Facebook as much as I usually do. Our weather is pretty cool but is suppose to be in the 70's by Monday. It's just back and forth here. I already have plants coming up and don't know what this roller coaster of weather will do for them. Hopefully, it won't harm them.

    I want so badly to go to Round Top some day. Would be a great trip I'm sure. I also want to go to Waco to the Silos. Some day.

    Have a great weekend.


  4. I'm with you. I REFUSE to get drawn into the political commentary on my blog or on FB. It is just crazy. To me that is not what blogging is about---at least for ME that is not what it is about.
    I made a big pot of corn/potato chowder and will have leftovers for tomorrow. I have a fire going in the fireplace and a cup of hot coffee by my side. Life is good!
    LOVE coming to your sweet blog, Susan. xo Diana

  5. Its lovely here and in the 70s abandd enjoying nice long walks and putting pictures of our walks on instagram--- i love to go out each day and a see whats blooming. Probably a nice quiet weekend here in Charleston and wish you a cozy weekend as well!

  6. I love that you are a hate free zone! I think we all need safe places to go at times. I'm snuggled up and reading blogs, then will read a novel I have just started. Lazy day trying to get rid of this cough that has come back. Hugs.

  7. I honestly could not be more in love with you right now if I tried!!!

  8. Toasted cheese sandwiches sound like a real treat. We are the most un sports couple in the USA, but still feel the excitement and want to make Sunday a special day, even if it's movies instead of sports. Where oh where did you find that sweet cookie jar? It reminds me of my Daisy, my cairn terrier, gone about a year, but boy, do I miss her!! Tears, even now. Aren't dogs wonderful?

  9. I've been avoiding fb like the plague. I'm sick of it all too. Love all your sweet hearts and positive vibes! Thanks for the sunshine!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.