Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Bunnies and Baskets Welcome Spring

I cannot imagine anyone who does not like spring.  Everything is sweet,
tender, and pastel.  The deep rich colors and chilly breezes of fall have
past.  The stark and hibernating days of winter are behind us.  It's the
season of hope and renewal.  No matter what our age, we all feel
like kids again. 

I hope y'all stopped by for the first stops on the Hello, Spring Blog Tour.
If you missed it, you can return to visit our hostess Katie and she will 
link you to three bloggers' homes.  

And there are three additional homes to tour today:

Bentley and I are putting on the finishing touches at our cottage
to prepare for our tour on Thursday, but we will be back tomorrow
with more links to more spring homes.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. So many pretty homes sharing their lovely spring decor!

  2. Spring is definitely my favorite season. xo Laura

  3. I do love Spring, Susan...it's the hope of renewal and rebirth...of seeing all that is dried and brown turn green and supple again. Love to visit you -- xo Diana


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.