Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Cozy, Cozy, Cozy

I have some very exciting news to share with y'all.  For a while now I
have been taking notes and making outlines for a series of books.  These
books are going to be cozy mysteries.  I am a reader of all genres of fiction,
but when I want to settle in with something light and fun, I always opt for
a cozy.  

So here is how the reader evolved into the writer.  In the deep recesses of 
my mind, I have been storing away plot lines.  Plot lines are not sufficient
for a good story, the characters need developing too.  I have been focusing
on the main recurring character and she has really come to life.  In fact,
I almost feel like I now have an alter ego and she is dictating how she wants
to be written.  

Of course, since it's a cozy mystery, the setting needs to be cozy too
and it is just that until a murder happens.  Then the story begins to have
twists and turns and lots of tea drinking to solve the crime. 

I just had to drop in and take some time out from my notebook and
fill y'all in on the busy activity around here.  Poor little Bentley is
exhausted by all the research.  He is taking a nap while I get back
to all those plot twists and turns.  I hope David realizes that dinner
may be late ;-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. That is exciting. I wish you all the best with your new journey. Best stock up on tea. Deb

  2. Oh I love mysteries and tea ... can't wait to see what you come up with.

  3. I like this, tea drinking as a crime fighting skill!

  4. Good for you, Susan! There is nothing like writing a book. I love going to book clubs and talking about my book. It is half the fun of writing it...and when you 'become' the character the book practically writes itself (at least I think so). xo Diana

  5. Congratulations, that is awesome! Looking forward to following your journey!

  6. Am so anxious to read the outcome!!


  7. You should read the Tea Series books by Shelia Horgan, found on Amazon. Fun series!

  8. Love to read cozies! Can't wait for your debut book. Keep us posted!

  9. That's great! I love cozy mysteries and look forward to reading yours.


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