Monday, March 6, 2017

New iMac and Some Changes

There are a couple of new things happening around the cottage.  First of
all, as you may notice, I removed the chintz slip covers from the chairs
and ottoman in the area we lovingly call, our library.  They needed to be
laundered and when I pulled them off I thought to myself, why not keep
them off?  I put the slipcovers on when we first moved in primarily
because of Bentley since he is not fond of leather.  

As you can see in this photo, the slips give the room a different look. 
I like them both ways, and since I am keeping the slipcovers I can always
change the look whenever I want.  I have to put a fleece blanket down 
on the chair to the right when Bentley decides he needs to nap there.  
You can see him napping in the first photo.  

The other new thing around here is my new 27" iMac.  I am am
trying to figure out all the new features.  My old iMac died and I
purchased this new one last week in San Antonio.  The photo 
features are quite different and I am getting stuck on exporting
the photos to make them usable on my blog.  Y'all will just
have to bear with me during this learning curve.  I think I 
will go make myself a cup of chamomile tea so I stay calm and
don't blow a fuse!  If all goes well, I will be back here tomorrow
with more news. 

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley 


  1. Susan, I had to get a new PC a month ago and things are quite different with it too. I like the changes but there is a learning curve. :)

  2. The room looks good but so different without the slipcovers.

  3. Good luck with the new Mac. I had to send my laptop in for a new battery. Was glad that could be done rather than buy a new one.
    Love the look of your library, slip covers or not. ; -)

  4. Just saying I love your blog. I have followed you for several years but I seldom comment. We are Facebook friends though. I like your style in decorating. Karie

  5. Susan,
    I am a MAC computer person, too, and use a MacBook Pro laptop. It is about 4 years old, but has Photo instead of iPhoto for photographs. I don't know how much help I can be long distance via email, but if you get stuck, I may be able to help with Photo.

    We keep towels on our furniture since our cats like to sleep everywhere. :)


  6. The chairs look pretty both ways. Have fun with your new Imac!


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