Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Sorry, But I Just Couldn't Help Myself

For quite a while now I have been showing a plain white background on
this blog because that has been the "new wave" for some time.  I looked
at my blog today and thought ....


I longed for the calico background I have used in the past.  It's cozy, it's
so me,  I need it to stay happy.

That's probably a bit extreme, I mean, I could live without it, but I 
don't want to.  

I realize I am completely out of touch with 2017, but that's okay 
with me.  I am this blog's author, stylist, photographer and all things
blog like.  No one is holding my feet to the fire to be current and trendy.

I am such a rebel aren't I???

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. You rebel you! LOL Love your new blue calico!


  2. And just what is that lovely piece with the lid? Love your blue and white.

  3. At least you have the know how to make changes as you like on your blog. I know nothing about how to do things like that. Someone else set my blog up and are no longer around to help me.

  4. I agree you should do what makes you happy. Your style and content is what makes this blog special!

  5. I so agree with you. I like my style and I don't care if it is the "in" style or not. It makes me happy and it is what I like. I think your blog is adorable. Everything about it. And it makes me feel good when I come and visit. Hugs,

  6. I like it - but what's most important is YOU like it! :-)

  7. Thank You! Decorate for you, not for what is trending. Stay true to yourself. I love the color.

  8. Yay! I was reading through a spring tour and while all the homes were lovely, they were all...white. I like neutrals but I love my green and red and color! I'm glad you are going for what makes you happy! :)


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.