Thursday, May 25, 2017

An Idea for a New Craft Project

I recently had an idea for a wreath to hang on the door of my office/studio.
I decided to use tea pots and teacups as my theme, so I started hunting for
tea cups and then it dawned on me that a child size tea set would be ideal.
I went onto eBay and found this adorable set.  It arrived in the mail today.

This gardening wreath is what really got me dreaming about theme 
wreaths.  You may recall this one I shared on the blog a few weeks ago.

I spend so much time in my office, especially since I have been hard at
work doing research for my book ~ which by the way is a mystery ~ and
I am completely caught up in the personality of my protagonist and the
murder she attempts to solve.  Everything I have in this space is meant
to encourage my creative pursuits and it's truly my hideaway and I only
share it with Bentley.  I always have music playing in the background, and
I often have a cup of tea by my iMac, and Bentley is usually curled up
in his favorite chair by the window.   It's a shabby chic, cottage style 
type of Zen.  

It's a good spot for reading too and I keep a stack of some of my very 
favorite mysteries in the bookcase.  

For many years, I wondered and searched the answers to my longing to find
the true meaning of my life.  Now I know, and my my mind and my heart is
just over flowing with ideas.  I believe that this little room in my house has
been a conduit for all this creative activity and I treasure every moment I
spend here.

I hope to gather all the supplies I need to create this special wreath over
the weekend.  I plan to share it with you next week.  It will be a signal that
once you pass through the doorway and it's teacup wreath, you will be
entering my special creative Zen Zone where hopes and dreams come
to life.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Would love to visit your Zen Zone!


    1. Come down for a visit! I have plenty of room for you.

  2. So pretty! That tea set is BLISSFUL. Looks like it belongs in a dollhouse.

  3. It all sounds so lovely! Good for you....and Bentley.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.