Thursday, May 4, 2017

My Recent Creative Slump

It's been a whole week since I have posted and I really do not have a
good excuse except to say that I have been in a creative slump.
This is not a normal state for me.  I am usually overflowing with ideas
and plans and I can hardly wait to get up in the morning and get to
work to bring these plans to fruition.

Lately ~ nothing.  Nothing at all.  I have not been physically ill, or
sad or depressed,  I am fine.  I haven't even felt like discussing anything.

However, I have played in my garden.  I have been reading.  I have
watched old movies and taken Bentley on long walks.  

But yesterday, I noticed that some creativity was starting to bubble 
up.  I felt the usual restlessness spirit starting to rise up within me.
It was wonderful!  I started gathering things up to make something.
Whenever that happens, I seem to start out in one direction and then
suddenly change gears and head another way and there is just no
stopping me.  

So I pulled out an old grapevine wreath.  I started to add little 
gardening items.  I was playing.  I was having fun.  My muse
had returned!  

Whenever I go into this creative frenzy, I remind myself of Richard
Dreyfus's character in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind,
when he starts ripping out the shrubs in the garden and dumps  
dirt into the dining room to build a reproduction of the Devil's Tower
in Wyoming on the dining room table.  The only difference is that I
have not been visited by extraterrestrials.  At least I don't believe that
I have ;-)

Whatever it is, I am happy to be back here!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Enjoy your surge of creative energy! Happy spring to you!

  2. Your are not alone, this happens all the time. I do not get as enthused about my blog like it used to. Seems hard to find something interesting to share. Glad you are feeling up to par again.

  3. I love days like that, Susan. I think sometimes we need to just sit back and let the spirit of 'quiet and rest' take over to restore ourselves. I may need one of those days soon! xo Diana

  4. I think our creativity ebbs and flows and we just go with it! Hugs!


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