Thursday, June 15, 2017

A New Little Herb Garden

Hi strangers!  We are back home in Victoria after a wonderful and restful
trip to Austin.  We always have such a great time there.  This time, I made
a stop at the Red Barn Garden Center.  I was in heaven!  As I strolled along
with my garden cart I kept thinking how much will I be able to fit into our
vehicle???  I had to account for David's golf clubs and our luggage and 
Bentley's luggage.  None of us ever seem to travel light.  

Speaking of packing .... why oh why do I bring so many outfits and pairs
of shoes?  As I was packing to go home I realized just how many tops
and skirts and pairs of sandals I did not wear.  So silly to bring so much.
I should know better by now :-)

Back to herb gardens ~ the Red Barn had so many varieties, and everything
looked so healthy.  I was designing in my head where to put everything I
purchased.  I love fresh herbs from the garden.  I love the glorious fragrance 
they emit and so yummy in cooking and salads.

I remembered that I now have these cute little spatterware pots.  I gave these to my Mom
years ago to put on her kitchen windowsill over her sink.  I used a vintage coffee pot for
my Ice Plant.  Hopefully it will not be long before this blossoms out.

I put some sedum in a hanging pot along with a tiny birdhouse.  Y'all know I
am crazy for succulents!  Next time I am in Austin I will head back to the
Red Barn for some more.  Their selection is fabulous.

I'll tell you what I did to get a little more space for, my pots.  I had an
old kitchen cart that was sitting in the garage.  I was thinking of either
selling it or giving it to Goodwill, but then I had a brainstorm and 
decided that it would be perfect for my herbs.  Since it's on wheels, I 
can roll it around to get more or less sun as needed and I can keep snips
and trowels in the drawer and watering cans and more on the shelves
below.  Here it is ....

Isn't it handy?  I picked up another hibiscus too.  I have one in the front
of the house that has lovely ruby red blossoms.  This one is yellow.  These
do very well in this climate, so I will be planting this on on the side of the 
shed.  I will be showing you more later.  

We had a wonderful time up in Austin but now we are glad to be
back home again.  That's it for now.  I hope you are all well and happy!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

1 comment:

  1. I have been to Austin, but not for a vacation. I have a niece there and need to visit her and check out the Red Barn.


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