Thursday, June 22, 2017

Retro Cocktails

I mostly drink wine these days if I am having an alcoholic beverage,
but there is something to be said for the retro cocktail.  I inherited these
great 1960's era cocktail glasses from my parents.  They used to love
inviting friends over for cocktail parties.  Everyone dressed up in their
party clothes and stood around with a glass that always seemed to be
garnished with a slice of citrus, cocktail onions, olives or a cherry.

Mom passed around little silver trays filled with canapés and hors d'oeuvres.
There was always music in the background and lots of laughter.  As a young
girl, I was allowed to say my hellos to everyone and then disappear up the
stairs to the TV room on the second floor.  I dreamed of one day being so
grown-up and sophisticated :-)

As an adult, I don't know if I have ever felt quite as sophisticated as my
parents and their friends used to be, but I still enjoy pulling out some of their
cocktail party ware and living the old school life for an evening.  In fact, I 
think it would be really fun to plan an evening like that with our new friends
here in Texas.   Until then, I think I will prepare some retro appetizers for
our weekly appetizer Saturday night.  Let me know if you want me to
share the recipes.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. What a fun post. I have been picking up vintage glasses and bar ware but have yet to plan a retro cocktail party. It sounds like so much fun. What a fun shape to your cocktail glasses from your parents and such cute cocktail napkins.

  2. I have some great vintage glasses from my parents. They now live in my daughter's mid-century home.

  3. So funny, I have the same cocktail recipe book that I inherited from my parents! I too remember my parents having friends and neighbors over for drinks. It seemed so sophisticated. I couldn't wait to grow up, lol! I'd love to see your recipes, please share!

  4. This TOTALLY speaks my language!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE retro style cocktail parties! I still enjoy drinks like Whiskey Sour 🥃, Manhattan, and, of course my favorite, martinis!!!!!!🍸🍸🍸 I put on some Frankie or Dean or Tony (or Michael Buble if I just want something different) and cross my legs and drink by the light of a single lamp in the library in a leather chair. All I need to complete it is a cigarette!!!!! 😆 That's a great keepsake book!


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