Friday, July 21, 2017

Please Pray for Our Little Bentley

My sweet and beloved little Bentley is having vision problems.  At the moment
he is blind.  He has developed a cataract in his left eye.  He is not seeing very 
well from his right eye also.

We are taking him up to Texas A&M University this coming Tuesday
morning for the doggie opthamologist to examine him and see if he is a 
candidate for cataract surgery.  They will also assess his right eye at the 
same time.  Bentley is now 11 1/2 years old.

I love this sweet baby so much. If you would be so kind to please 
remember him in your prayers, I will be so grateful.

Thank you from both of us.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I am so sorry to hear this about sweet Bentley. I pray the doctors can help him. Please keep us updated.

  2. Keeping sweet Bentley and you in my prayers. Our furry babies are so special to us! Hugs!

  3. Precious Bentley...There are so many wonderful things that Dr.s / Vets can do now.... our little Yorkie went blind as well at the age of 15 - 16...however... she got her bearings and did so well .. she was almost 18 when she passed... but she sure did have a full and blessed little life !!!!!

  4. Dear Susan, I will definitely be praying for your beloved companion/furbaby. One of our last dogs had vision issues and we finally gave in and took him to a specialist(he had been my sister's dog, which was why we didn't rush him in to a specialist), but i was so thankful we took him in. They surgically worked on his eye and it was fine-it would have cost us so much less to have taken him there in the first place. Praying the doctor has wisdom on how to help Bentley.

  5. Of course I will say some prayers for your sweet Bentley.

  6. Will pray for your sweet boy - he's the spitting image of my little guy, so I know how much you love him.

  7. Oh my goodness - your little guy is just the sweetest thing. I have already said a little prayer and will say many more.


  8. Sad to read Bentley is having these issues. All the best for success with the A&M doctors. Sadie has been to a canine opthamologist. Amazing what is available for doggie care. '-)

  9. I pray that all will go well for your little Bentley. He looks like such a sweet little guy.

  10. Oh, Susan! Our precious little Bentley! I'm so sorry to hear this and will certainly be praying for him and for you too, sweetie, as it's so hard to not be able to 'fix' our little fuzzy faces.

  11. So sorry about Bentley. Prayers coming your way for his speedy recovery.

    I can relate about how much you love him.


  12. Prayers and blessings sent from Canada for sweet Bentley! X Chy

  13. Prayers for your sweet Bentley. ♥

  14. Prayers of vision and comfort for Bailey.

  15. Praying for Bentley and for you, too, Susan. It is so hard to see our pets age and have health issues of any kind.
    I hope you have a good weekend with him and don't stress out too much about Tuesday's appointment. Blessings- xo Diaan

  16. Saying prayers for Bentley. xoxo

  17. It's heartbreaking when health problems strike such a loving little guy. Hoping for the best for Bentley.

  18. Dear Susan, I pray for Bentley. I pray also for you and your husband. It's so hard not to be able to fix what ails those we love. Know that you are all in God's loving hands. Love, Martha

  19. Dear Susan,
    I'm so sorry to read of your fur baby's problems, I'll pray for your so adorable Bentley !

    I'm sending blessings to both of you

    XOXO Dany

  20. You know I am praying for Sweet Little Bentley right now. I adore his little face, and I hope y'all get great news next week!

  21. I am hoping the Doctors have good news for Bentley.

  22. You and Bentley will both be in my prayers. He really is the cutest little dog ever!

  23. Sending prayers for your precious Bentley and for you and David.

  24. Puppy Prayers for Bentley. Those prayers do reach Heaven. My little Phoebe had a tumor on her anal gland which they removed and she had chemo afterward. She was almost a year cancer free when they found several tumors in her lymph glands. She is still going strong and has pep in her step...12 1/2 years old. She has to be tested monthly because the tumors increase her calcium to seriously high levels and they give her treatments to lower it. The doctors are amazed she is still living and call her the miracle dog. I thank God for every day she remains with us. I pray the doctors can do something for Bentley.

  25. Poor sweet Bentley. My Dixie is in the same position at 11 years and we haven't pursued anything as she was traumatized through abuse when we rescued her four years ago and I hesitate to put her through anything else as long as she is not in pain. She is with us 24/7 and has a safe, secure home environment and seem content with her five beds, private side yard and tons of attention. Best wishes for your sweet dog.

  26. My prayers are on the way for all of you.

  27. Just saw this, Susan. Prayers for dear little Bentley will be said.Hope everything turns out ok!


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