Thursday, July 27, 2017

Update On Bentley

I have been receiving phone calls and emails from dear friends who have 
been concerned about little Bentley and the outcome of his appointment
at Texas A&M Veterinary Hospital.  I want to thank everyone for all the
kind thoughts and prayers for this little guy.  I can never begin to 
adequately express how much your outpouring of love for Bentley
has meant to me.

It was a long drive from Victoria up to College Station, three hours
to be exact.  We tried to be very calm and cool about it because we
did not want to stress Bentley out.  This was the first time I visited
the Veterinary School of the University and I was so impressed by
the number of buildings in the complex devoted to the science of
animal medicine.  Our appointment was at the small animal hospital.

From the moment I entered, I was encouraged by the staff and their
kindness and obvious love and compassion for all the dogs who
entered the waiting area.  This was very reassuring to me.

Bentley's appointment was with an Ophthalmologist.  There were
also residents in attendance during Bentley's exam.  Although 
Bentley could not have been a worse patient, much to my chagrin,
they were so patient and kind to him.  Bentley squirmed and fussed,
and though it hurt me to see him so stressed, it was in his best interest
that I allow the exam to continue.  

The results are as follows.  Bentley is blind in his right eye and there
is nothing they can do to restore his sight.  Despite the fact that he was
properly treated and seemingly recovered from the possum fight,
his eyelid was apparently damaged and has been preventing him 
from blinking properly and closing completely.  His right eye has
actually atrophied in response.

He has a cataract in his left eye.  The doctor explained to me that
cataracts are quite common in Yorkies.  At this point, we will 
follow a course of eye drops in this eye and see how it responds.
We will be returning in a few weeks to check the progress and his
doctor will decide at that time if he is a good candidate for cataract
surgery.  So, prayers are still requested.  

Of course I am hoping and praying that the sight in his left eye
can be improved and I will do everything I can to facilitate an
improvement.  I also have come to terms with the possibility
that he could soon be completely blind.  It's been a tough couple
of days for me.  Should that be the ultimate outcome, we will
deal with it as it comes.  Many have contacted me and told me
of their blind dogs and their dog's capacity to adjust to this 
handicap.  Bentley's doctor also assured me that this is so, and
that Bentley could still have a happy life.  Whatever happens,
I will love him just as much if not more than ever, and so will
David.  He is a very important member of our little family.
Thank you once again for your outpouring of love.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. My heart is with you and prayers will continue for Bentley. You are doing all you can for him and he is so loved, that is the best medicine.

  2. Susan,

    I was wondering how you and Bentley made out and am so glad to see your update. My Chihuahua has an incurable genetic eye disease and I truly could relate and feel your worries and apprehension. I hope you are able to relax a bit now that you have a diagnosis and treatment plan. Bentley is blessed to be yours.

    Susan in PA

    1. I am glad we have a treatment plan. I am praying that we can save the sight in his left eye.

  3. Thinking of you. --hugs from Charleston

  4. Awww...poor Bentley. I am happy to see this update and although it is not the best of news it is not the worst either. At least you know the blindness is not due to a tumor or cancer. I hope he doesn't go completely blind but, if he does, he has the perfect mom to take care of him. xo Diana

    1. I hope he does not go completely blind either, but if that should happen, I will be by his side.

  5. Hugs and prayers for Bently and you and David.

  6. Hoping Bentley can have his surgery in a few weeks. He knows his Mommy loves him and you are always by his side. One lucky puppy. Thanks for updating us.

    1. I hope he will be a candidate for the surgery too!

  7. Bentley knows that he is very loved. I am sure something can be done, if not,there are many dogs that are blind. We will pray that he can be helped.
    Hugs to little Bentley


  8. Thank you for the update on Bentley. I'm sad to read he is blind in one eye, and I hope the other eye improves with the medication. A&M is an amazing resource for our pets. We are fortunate! All the best for positive results moving forward.

  9. Bentley is a doll and will be ok because he has your love. I'm so glad you have a great place to go for his care. We took one of our dogs to U. Penn Vet School for health issues and know how hard it can be. Hang in there:)
    xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home

  10. Thinking of you and David and sweet Bentley. Prayers being sent your way, Susan.

    1. Thank you so much. I know you understand the love we have for our babies.

  11. Pets are just like a human beings. They get the same health issues as we do, but tend to handle them better. My son took their dog a few years ago to this same place you did , but there was nothing they could do for her. They spent a fortune, but cannot buy health. Also, know a family that had a little pup like yous and she went blind. You would never know it. Do not understand how they do it, but they can. Hang in.

    1. So many have told me about dogs who are blind who get around quite well. Thanks for your reassurance.

  12. Susan, Bentley is such a sweet little guy, and I am so sorry that he has to go through all this.We had to take our dog to the animal hospital of UC Davis. They are all so knowledgeable and kind. My dear friend has a little poodle that has been blind for a few years now and they do adapt quite easily to their situations. She is just as happy as she ever was. I think it all is more stressful on us humans..Take care and my best to little Bentley..Judy

    1. I think it is more stressful for us too. Bentley seems to be handling it quite well.

  13. You are doing all that can be done, he is probably less stressed than you are. Animals adapt so well, better than us puny humans. One of my daughters dogs had a front leg amputated they picked her up the next day and at dinner time she was standing and having her food. Humans ( me) would have been on the couch demanding bonbons and peeled grapes. Best of luck the the other eye.

    1. While we were at A&M, we met a Great Dane who lost a leg. He was happy and greeting everyone, including little Bentley. Dogs are amazingly adaptable and live in the moment, unlike we humans.

  14. Bentley is so loved and so blessed by you. This really touches my heart.
    Thinking of you all,

  15. It is really difficult for us as pet owners to see our beloved 4 legged friends in any kind of pain or discomfort. I am keeping you and your little Bentley in my thoughts and hoping that the eye drops will help improve his eyesight Tremendously.

  16. I'm glad you have gotten to the root of the problem so it can be addressed. I'm so very sorry. Fingers crossed, hand to God.

  17. Oh dear. Praying for improvement with the drops. It sounds stressful but I'm so glad that they were so kind.

  18. Glad you have a plan and I know whichever way it goes Bentley is so loved he will be just fine. Hugs from Leslie and Bowie

    1. Bentley is taking this much better than I am, although seeing him happy makes me feel so much better.

  19. another will be ok. promise. My sophiejane is now 17 (poodle) and has lost her sight and her hearing because of age. no accidents, no sickness. just plain old age...kind of like her mama! she has adapted...even tho she sometimes hits a door and I have to follow her around like a toddler when I take her out for she has no idea where she's our life now and I bless every dingle dangle day I have left with her. And she's fine. just as happy and sweet as always. Your Bentley will rebound, with or without sight. Promise!

    1. So many, including the vet, have told me the same thing. Like you, I bless every day I have with my sweet little guy too.


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