Friday, August 11, 2017

Stop By For a Minute ~ I Have Cake

Hey y'all ~ thanks for taking some time away from your busy Friday
schedule to stop by.  As promised, I have cake.   I made a couple of 
tiny changes in the miniature kitchen and I want to share them
with you.

I moved the little oval hooked rug that used to be in the living area 
and moved it in front of the hutch.  Looks cozier don't you agree?
I have a larger rectangular rug that is identical in pattern and I moved
it into the living area.  I have some more changes going on in there,
so I will show that to you later.  In the meantime, I just received a
sweet mini thatched roof cottage tea pot and want to give y'all a
closer look ....

Isn't this cute?  I love it so much I want to marry it!

Have a fun Friday everyone!!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Amazing, Susan. I just love your miniatures. You have such an eye for making all those little settings just perfect. xo Diana

  2. Replies
    1. It is fun! It's like eating chocolate ~ can't stop at one!

  3. Love your blog, Susan. Whether discussing your latest miniature vignettes, your neighborhood, your home, family or the latest news on Bentley. I've grown very fond of you, Susan, and I wish you and your family all the very best.

  4. This rose pink kitchen filled with yummy cake and Delightful china, is "Sugar and Spice and all things nice! "

  5. Adorable! I can see why you enjoy the miniatures so much. xoxo

  6. Beautiful. I love miniatures and collected for over 50 years. Do you make the flowers yourself ? So in love with the tiny depression glass you have.
    When I make custom wreaths, they are great to use in creating a scene.
    Michael's recently had some at 70% off. It was hard to not buy everything.

  7. I just love it.. everything all of it.. I need to go back on your post I haven't been able to visit like before and are trying to catch up a little bit.. Happy Tuesday with love Janice


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.