Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A Mini Fall Festival

Sorry I have been gone so long.  I was not feeling very well all last
week.  Whatever I had seems to be gone now, and I am bursting
with ideas to share with you.  

Welcome to our mini fall festival.  There will be pie and other
goodies and lots of Fall spirit.

It just isn't fall without a basket of freshly picked apples and a crate
full of pumpkins!

Getting those pumpkin pies ready for the oven!

Come on in and enjoy yourself!  Mini Bentley is here too.

So glad you stopped by!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Sweet Halloween/Fall Mini's. Glad you are feeling better.

  2. I too am getting over a bad cold; and was eating and enjoying a slice of pumpkin pie just as I discovered your post!
    Is that weird or what? ;D

    Glad your on the mend :D

  3. Very cute. Happy that you are feeling better. Stay well

  4. What fun - everything is just darling. I love fall festivals, where ever they may be.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.