Tuesday, October 3, 2017

What I Saw at Round Top

Saturday morning was lovely.  It started out with somewhat cooler temps
and clear skies, but by the afternoon the temps rose once again.  It did
not however, curtail my hunt through the tents up in Round Top.

After being up here many times now, I have my favorite haunts and 
one of them is Marburger Farm.  Because there is a fee to enter the farm,
it is a bit less crowded than many of the other venues and tends to 
attract the best dealers.  The wares have not varied too much over the
past few years, and I am not interested in everything that is offered,
but I was drawn in by this booth.  

For those of you who know me well, you are very familiar with my
fondness for all things tartan.  Although it's still a bit early to
be thinking of Christmas, I am still open to decorating ideas.

Here is what caught my eye in this scene, I like the gate leg table.  I 
have one at home in my front entry, and while I like the idea of painting
the table gray, I won't be painting mine.  Isn't it charming though?
I also like that red tole tin on the mantel.  My Mama loved tole and
I have lots of it in my home and feel that it never goes out of style.
The ironstone tureen is great too.

I love this French Christmas pillow on the tartan chair!

This is what I am still kicking myself about ~ I did not buy this black
tole candlestick lamp.  I certainly don't need it, and don't know where I
would put it because I already have so many lamps.  Those facts don't 
stop me from loving it though, but I walked away when my common
sense won the battle over temptation.  Darn old common sense!

I love the skis.  I have a pair up in a storage facility in Idaho.  
Certainly won't be using them down here, but a pair of wood ones
would be great for a winter and Christmas decorating scene.

I have not seen one of these before.  A portable record player in a 
tartan case.  How cute is this???

If my Mama were still alive, I am quite sure that we would have been 
packing up that wrought iron console table and stowing it in the
back of the Suburban for the trip home!   That was so her style!!

This wicker sofa caught my eye.  It's a sofa bed!  It would be awesome
in a beach house, or one could paint the wicker a dark green, cover the
cushions in a red and black buffalo check fabric and use it in a cabin.
What a great piece!

The Garden Company has been setting up a booth at Marburger for a
few years now.  They are located down in Schulenburg, about a 45
minute drive south of Round Top.  They also have a great restaurant
where we have enjoyed lunch or dinner in the past.  The plan is to
open a restaurant in Round Top, but I don't know where that stands.

You won't believe this, but I did not purchase one thing!  I know, 
very shocking.  The only thing I can contribute this to is that since
Hurricane Harvey, I feel like I have been suffering a brain fog.
I should have purchased that little Tole lamp.  What was I 

More Fall home tours today!

I hope you enjoy these tours, I sure am!
See you tomorrow when y'all will see my home decorated 
for Fall.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I love the tartan displays and that lamp! I'm trying to limit my buying also since I'm running out of room for things. I'll decorate for Christmas after Thanksgiving.

  2. Always wanted to go to this Round Rock event, but never made it. I truly enjoyed the tour through your eyes tho.

  3. Even though you may have too many lamps....I have found not to turn away from something is really calling me. I have learned to regret it, which is probably why I have too much stuff! haha

  4. Come here. I wanna kick you, too, for not buying that lamp!!!!🤣🤣🤣 It would have somehow found a place in your home. Girl.......you KNOW it was perfect for you! As my Mother used to say, “Just go to your room! I can’t be held responsible right now!” 🤣🤣🤣 Still...glad it was fun!

  5. Oh What Fun, Susan. I just love that booth that has all the tartan stuff in it. I had a plaid record player when I was a kid. I would bet that one is from the late 50s. I sure wish I had it now.

    LOVE that wicker sofa-bed, too.

    Hope you have a great night and I can't wait to see more. xo Diana

  6. I love the wreath made with the old Christmas bulbs. I always see bulbs at Goodwill and I guess I will have to start buying them. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Well, guess what? I have some of the same photos on my camera. It would have been impossible for a shopper to miss this booth. Of course, I'm one who loves tartan! It was certainly a bright spot that made me smile. I'm sad you didn't take the lamp home. I missed it, or it might have come home with me. '-)
    The Garden Company has opened their little restaurant in Round Top. I haven't been yet, but they told me about it. I always take home a few things from their store and this trip was no different. They have beautiful plants.

  8. Still on my bucket list!! I really want to see The Garden Company now. :)

  9. Christmas caroles going through my head now! Thanks... ;)


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