Monday, November 6, 2017

I Grieve For Our Nation

Another mass shooting.  This time in Texas, not far from where I live.
The city I live in is a small one.  It is referred to as the Crossroads area.
We are surrounded by ranch land, oil wells and some of the most 
charming small towns found anywhere in our country.  We are one
hundred miles away from each of these three cities, Houston, Austin,
and San Antonio.  It is always a pleasure to take a drive from our
home to any one of these three major cities because the scenery is
often so bucolic.  In the spring, you see miles and miles of 
Bluebonnets and the Indian Paint wildflower in the fields where
Longhorn and a huge variety of other types of cattle graze.
It's a sight to see, and I treasure these views.

You will also find some of the prettiest old courthouses anywhere.
Tiny little towns, with small populations and it's as though
each one competed to have the loveliest courthouse. 

There is a wonderful variety of small and independent restaurants.  
Places that seem to turn back the clock and give the diners a sense
of home cooking how it used to be.

Miles and miles of country roads that are usually very quiet, except for the days
during the Round Top Antique Week.

One does not expect a tragedy of such proportion as we learned of
yesterday in Sutherland Springs.  A very small town on the way to San
Antonio on Route 87.  A highway that we have traveled on so very
many times.  Such a small little place where everyone knows one
each other.  The kind of place that we all dream about, where life
is so peaceful and idyllic.  The residents of this small town will 
be forever heartbroken becasue of the tragic events of yesterday.

For years now, since that fateful day of September, 11, 2001, we 
have assumed our foes lived outside this nation.  Now we are
learning that the foes are right here, fellow citizens living among us.

I spent three years living and working in a foreign country.  It
was very exciting and I would not trade my experience for 
anything.  When my time there was completed and I returned
home, I was so happy and proud to come home to the land
I have always loved so much.  I never imagined that life here
would become so violent, so troubled.  I am so very saddened
by the hatred and violence.  Why are we turning against one
another?  Why have the lives of so many innocents been lost?
Why is there such discontent in a land where we have so much?
I think of all those who have risked their lives to have the
opportunities this great nation provides, yet there are some who
just don't appreciate what we have and want to destroy
everything for themselves and others.  It breaks my heart.

Susan and Bentley


  1. I am so sad and so angry at the same time. Why does this keep happening in our country? Why is the world so angry? I have no answers, just prayers!

  2. Once again we are shocked and brokenhearted for all the senseless loss. It must be so much more for you being so close. You pose such important questions. When will all the sickness end?

  3. I just keep thinking about how that little congrgation lost HALF of its congregants yesterday and one family lost yet beloved family members. My eyes keep filling with tears.

  4. I echo your sentiments, Susan. It is horrible what is happening around us. I worry for our world, my adult kids and my grandkids. To them, violence is becoming commonplace....nothing like the peaceful world I drew up in..and I don't think we will ever see those times again (sadly).

    I hope you have a blessed week, Susan. I am praying for Texas. It is just sad. xo Diana

  5. It is such a sad and tragic thing and i grieve for your country. It is very hard to understand from the vantage point of home North of the border. There is so much good in your nation....I know that good will persevere and triumph.

  6. I don't have all the answers to all the questions. This is what I do know. There are evil forces operating in our world. Goes by the name of Satan. The people who have committed these heinous acts have given themselves over to Satan. I know that in the end God wins. This why it is so important for us each to be ready to be called home at any given moment.

  7. So very sad. I am so confused by all the violence and hatred. I am heartbroken as well.

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