Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Little Lagniappe for Rednesday

Yes it's Rednesday again over at It's a Very Cherry World. Since I love red, it's easy to participate. This Rednesday I am featuring my chili pepper red Jeep Wrangler. First of all, let me say that it is photographed in a bad setting. This pic was taken last summer in the parking lot of my husband David's warehouse. No, I did not run into that damaged car in the background. Anyway, please notice the license plate - LANYAP. That is a phonetic spelling of "lagniappe" which is a cajun word for "a little something extra". The jeep was an anniversary gift from my husband. I have actually had people follow me into parking lots to ask me what LANYAP means! My Jeep is great fun. It has big mudding tires on it so that I can go off road, although you won't find me doing much of that. David thought I needed them. Right now the top is still up, but when summer comes it will be down for months. Not only is it more fun to drive when the top is down, but it's also more convenient to load up finds from garage sales and thrift stores!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Just wanted to stop by and say hello and thanks for visiting! I love your Jeep, sweet hubby! I adore little Bentley too! Have a lovely day! Deb

  2. Nice Jeep! I look forward to visiting again and lookiing at your home style, and reading about Bentley - he is adorable!

  3. Love your jeep. I had one about 10 years ago and I loved the freedom of riding with the top down. Whooo Hoo!!


  4. your Jeep is fabulous. What a sweet hubby.

  5. Wauw! This is by far the coolest entry for rednesday I have found today!
    Red greetings, Floortje

  6. I love it! It's red and it can go most anywhere.

  7. Your Jeep looks like one fun vehicle to drive! And I always like to try to figure out those personalized license plates. I NEVER would have guessed that one!
    Happy REDnesday!

  8. Super zippy transport you have there Susan ... how does Bentley like it?

    Thanks for popping by, it was fun to read your blog and bio ... our music tastes are very similar ... I love old blue eyes too!

    Warmest hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  9. What a fun vehicle to have. And such a nice hubby for buying it for you.

  10. My motto is, whatever you do, do it with style. I loved the jeep but you had me with perfect for filling up with lawn sale finds. We do have to go thrifting together, you with the jeep, and me in my Maine-flaps-down-ready-for-snow-hat. I am sure we would just look fabulous. Okay I would let you borrow the boots. Thanks so much for stopping by yesterday. So nice to meet a new face.

  11. That is one sharp-lookin' Jeep :) How fun. Bentley is a doll! Thanks for visiting my blog, Susan. Happy Reds~you've got it "goin' on!" ;)

  12. I love your red Jeep !

  13. Dear Susan and Bentley,
    Love your ride! I have a candy apple red Toyota Rav 4 that I just so enjoy driving, I don't wear red, but it is everywhere else in my life! LOL Bentley, you are too cute!


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