Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cozy & Red Backyard Camping

I'm getting in touch with my inner child by setting up a backyard camping adventure. It's my cottage style of camping of course complete with an old quilt strung up between two trees. Of course there are comfy pillows (one in red of course!) and a vintage coffee pot on the campfire.

Red cowgirl boots are outside of the tent. Cute vintage style camp lights from Pottery Barn and a red lantern too. They are lit already because the sun is slowly sinking in the west and Bentley and I will be getting ready to settle in for the night.

It's such a beautiful evening and I'm thinking about the tent I used to have in the backyard when I was a young girl. What happy memories.

While Bentley and I kick back and enjoy the stars overhead be sure to visit some of our friends ...

Sue's Rednesday at It's a Very Cherry World and Susan the Southern Day Dreamer for her Outdoor Wednesday.

Say goodnight Bentley!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh my gosh! Love your backyard camp site. Makes me want to go outside and sleep in *my* backyard tonight!

    And your terrier is adorable. Is it a yorkie or a silky? I had a Silky Terrier for several years, and just adored her.

  2. You sweet girl! I love your tent. I, too, had a tent of blankets in the backyard, over the clothesline, many a summer night! My Dad would even put polyetheyline(sp?) (a plastic covering) over it in case of rain :)
    I love your tent and all the things around it. Sleep tight, Bentley.

  3. Looks like fun, I love your little camp fire!

  4. This is just perfect! It it weren't so terribly hot these days, I'd do the same for the grand-kids! I'll have to remember this in the autumn.

    Really lovely & definitely made me smile!!!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. That looks like so much fun! It's too hot here in Arkansas in July to do much camping. I guess if you're in the back yard, you can always go in for a cool-off!

  6. Now that is my idea of camping and best of all no bears!
    Hope you and Bentley have a super time out there.
    Tina xo

  7. Love the look of your backyard camping! Love stargazing! Thanks for stopping by my ME post - love ME cheerfulness. Hope you've had a chance to check out my two giveaways!
    God Bless,

  8. What a great setting, Susan! It's cute and it looks like fun!

  9. Adorable Susan! I can see this in Victoria magazine! What a great tent. Bentley must be having so much fun!
    Pamela xo

    I loved your desk top tea too! I want one of those inspiration boards.

  10. That's my kind of camping. So cute with the quilts strung up. I love it!

  11. How clever! Love Bunny is dragging me off to the "wilds of Idaho" this weekend though, sweetpea! I'm kicking and screaming all the way. I wanna stay home in my air conditioned home but gotta do what ya gotta do to keep th' man happy!!!

  12. What a cute idea! We used to do that as kids too. The way the temps and heat index has been..today going to 100 or worse..Shadow'd look at me and say .....'Right Mom you stay out here, I'm going back into my air-conditioned DogHouse'
    (our Cape Cod Home)

  13. I bet Bentley is just loving this! My luck Charlie Ross would hike his leg on one if I set it up.

  14. How fun is this post??? I love your little back yard camp. It brought back a wave of memories for me.

    Visiting from outdoor Wednesday.

  15. Oh girl - you've outdone yourself on this one. So cute and adorable! It might even tempt my scaredy cat girl to sleep outside. I'm dragging her over right now to check out your setup. Great post!

  16. Love the charm of that quilt tent!! So you are my neighbor? Nice to meet you. Boy we are having some warm sunshine now! Is that your porch in your header?! It really is inviting!!

  17. That is so cute.

    BUT - - - what a LOT OF WORK for a backyard adventure!

  18. Wow...that is a very cute quilt tent!! Love it!! I can remember using quilts over chairs to make an inside tent when I was little. Your post has brought back some wonderful memories. Great post!!

  19. Fine if you don't have pesky mosquitoes! I have some coffee makers like that and they make a fabl cup of coffee. Those lights are really nice!! I think you missed the Great American backyard campout which was the week before last!

  20. Such a cute and cozy backyard camping set-up! Made for a very fun evening, I'm sure! :)

  21. Oh Susan! You make the most charming and coziest of places. I wish I could stay at that charming camp ground! What fun that would be. :)

    Happy Rednesday to you and tummy rubs for Bentley!

  22. Thanks for the trip down memory lane...I remember setting up the tent in the backyard as a kid and how much fun it was.
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment!
    Jane t.

  23. How fun! It's too hot for that here! I love how you have all the essential camping needs. The lantern sting of lights looks so cute with your quilted tent! I just love all your neat vintage accessories too. This is so adorable! Great for watching lightening bugs! LOL! Happy Outdoor Wednesday!

  24. LOVE your backyard camp site! It made me think back to my childhood and such wonderful summer memories! Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Rednesday!

  25. I meant to get over here and thank you for stopping by my blog sooner. Please forgive me. Have fun with your outdoor adventure. Although it looks fun I think I would be too creeped out by all the little creepy, crawly things out there.

  26. OMGosh, you cute thang, you !! This is so adorable..now, I WANT TO DO ONE. I love it.

    I was a titty baby when I was little and didn't sleep outside for nothin'. BUT, when MY little kids came along, oh, yes, we DID do backyard camping. Had such fun. THEN, grands came along and out came the blankies again for tents. I never had one so cute as YOURS, tho.
    What a precious blog you have.
    xo bj

  27. Hey! Thanks for your comment on my blog and for signing up as a follower. Checked out your blog, love it... I have my education in interior design too (although I work for lawyers.. lol)... I'm about to sign on as one of your new followers!

    Signed the Crazy Chick! :)

  28. My kind of camping! Cute and vintage. Mimi

  29. What a darling little campsite! I love it, and yet..I don't think there is much that could induce me to sleep out side at night. Not sure why that is, Susan, as I used to love it.
    None the less, your adorable campsite is enough to make anyone, even old cranky me, to give it some serious thought.
    What a cute idea to fix up something so cute!
    So cozy and inviting looking.
    Ok, well, maybe I would were I at your house I would do it. :)
    Love and hugs,
    p.s. and yes, our blogs can send us into a panic. I think I will practice saving it...
    More hugs! :)

  30. I love your cozy backyard campsite !Very Cool !

  31. Now, if that doesn't beat all! Nostalgic, feminine, dreamy, cozy, etc., etc.! All you need is a mosquito netting, and you're all set!

  32. great post. such a great idea. im going to have to do that this year. sounds like fun.

  33. Backyard camping, it sounds very interesting, I like your little tent and bonfire, cool


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