Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Desk Top Tea

Some early mornings are busy ones. Lots of To Do's on the schedule today. Here is my desk top littered with fabric and magazines. Getting ready to put up some new pics on my inspiration board. Nothing like a cup of tea to help keep me focused.

An old pamphlet of slip cover making tips from my New York School of Interior Design days. While I get back to work ...

Here's a To Do List for you ... please stop by and visit Marty's A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday, Terri at Artful Affirmations for Tea Cup Tuesday, our very own Lady Katherine at Lady Katherine's Tea Parlor for Tea Time Tuesday and last but not least, Martha's Tea Cup Tuesday at Martha's Favorites. That should keep you busy and you will come away with lots of inspiration!

Bentley, do you want a slip cover for your bed while I'm at it??

Susan and Bentley


  1. Dear Susan,
    I have that same fabric on your picture board all over my house! Sweet friends think alike, right!:)
    Bentley need some Milk Bone fabric for his slipcover. I would love to know more about your design school days in NYC. Haven't been to NYC for a few years now.

  2. Lovely vignette. Love the telephone.....

  3. Susan, I loved this post, everything from Bentley's smiling face on your sidebar to your tea vignette to your "to do" list which is so clever1

    Hope you have a very Happy Tea Time Tuesday...


    Sheila :-)

    P.S. Don't forget to give Bentley a little treat from me!

  4. All these pretties on your post! Tell Bentley to be careful or he might end up with a pretty on him while you're at it!

  5. What a pretty desk! If you would like a new definition of "littered" stop by my desk sometime! haha Jacqueline

  6. Sweet images flutter through my mind while viewing those photos, sweetpea. Delightful!

  7. Hi Susan,
    Just lovely, I could dream at your desk and just relax. If Bentley doesn't want a new bed cover (I do).....LOL
    Your photos are so pretty, I am still having some problems taking good pics, but I keep trying.
    Have a wonderful day and big hugs, Elizabeth

  8. Very lovely spot.... so romantic!


  9. Hi Susan :) Love the vignette on your desk! Feels so soothing and relaxing :)

    Happy Teacup Tuesday!

    Warmest hugs to you & Bentley,


  10. Meet you has been a pleasure .Your tea cup seem lovely...
    Happy Tea Cup Tuesday

  11. Oh, this is such a lovely place to sit, enjoy a cup of tea and get organized. I love it. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  12. Hi Susan! I love your entire desk top, and of course, the beautiful tea cup. Also LOVE the vintage phone!!

  13. Hello Susan and what a lovely spot to enjoy tea and reading! I must say though that I came for the picture of Bentley!! That sweetheart always cheers me up when I see his little face on your sidebar.
    Take care and have a lovely evening....
    Tina xo

  14. Such a pretty vignette. Love your inspiration board.

  15. Your desk is wonderful. Everything is so pretty and neat there. It must be nice to have such lovely working space.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind comment. Have a wonderful day!

  16. I do love the idea of your inspiration board. I have one of those boards too...however it was a gift to my MIL before she died in Feb. It was a pink, which really may not go well anywhere in my home.....still thinking.

  17. Hello Susan & Bentley!
    Lovely post! Thank you for stopping in for a visit today. Take care,

  18. Ahhh, Susan, the feeling is mutual! Thank you so much. My problem is that I get in such a rush to finish something that I go too fast. I get impatient...my grandmother used to get after me for that when she was teaching me to sew.

    What a cozy little nook to work on your projects..and of course Bently wants a new bed cover! You went to WHAT SCHOOL?? Oh, good grief!! New York School of Interior Design!! :)
    And..you visit me, Susan?? :)
    :) :) :)
    Ok, I know it isn't because of my talent...lol..but still..it's sorta nice. You know??

  19. Susan, your desktop is so pretty set up for tea! Your dainty flowered tea cup is beautiful!
    Thank you so much for sharing this with us today.

  20. That looks like the BEST spot for a "spot" of tea!

  21. What a cozy little place to think, write and be inspired! I love your telephone too. You have really created a stunning room.

    Best wishes,

  22. I agree with you. Visiting all those lovely blogs is very inspiring.

    By the way, Bentley is adorable!! (But you already knew that, right?)

    By your profile, I see that The Major and the Minor is one of your favorite movies. We love that. Ginger Rogers is my husband's all-time favorite actress (we love classic-era movies, even though we're in our 40's!!). Our puppy was named Ginger in honor of Ginger Rogers!

    Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)

  23. Hi: I just love to visit your blog. It is so beautiful. I love this one today. Your tea cup is so pretty. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Blessings, Martha

  24. Thanks for sharing such a lovely tea set. Bentley is adorable.
    I enjoyed visiting your blog; your side photos are a joy to see.

  25. What a great spot! Love your inspiration board. Pretty teapot and cup too. What a nice place to relax, meditate, and enjoy a cup of tea. Give Bentley a kiss for me.

  26. What a lovely space to sit and plan your day with a cup of tea!!


  27. Looks like a good resting spot. I love your phone. My rotary phone died about two years ago. Take care.

  28. Oh how beautiful loving the telephone as well

    Love Dawn xx

  29. Your teacup and teapot are very pretty. What a lovely desk and memo board too.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.