Friday, July 23, 2010

Have a Sweet Friday

Bentley and I wish all of you a Sweet Friday! May you all have a wonderful start to this weekend. Have fun doing all the things you love to do with the ones you love!!

Right now I am off to visit Cindy at My Romantic Home for some wonderful inspiration. It's a great way to start the weekend.

Bentley, you can sit in my lap while I visit other bloggers!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. I LOOOOOVE your little vignette with the chenille pillow, sweets.

  2. I love your header! It's so all-American! and so is the music!
    Great little vignette.

  3. Have a wonderful weekend with the mister and Bentley!

  4. Happy Weekend! I <3 the chenille pillow. SO! <3.

  5. Happy Friday, Susan and Bentley! I am in love with that chenille pillow!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Hugs and kisses from me and the kitties. Please say a prayer for Mocha. She is ill at the moment, a suspected UTI but very hard on her when she has IBD issues. She is on antibiotics and sleeping. :( xoxo

  6. Susan,
    You, David and Bentley have a great weekend. I am off to a tennis girl dinner tonight and the carpenter is working on the dog door at the cape house, as we speak, so maybe we can start round 2 over there this coming week!

  7. Lovely photo. I just want to feel that pillow against my face.

  8. Happy Friday Susan and Bentley!
    Love the chenille pillow! I am looking for a bedspread made of chenille.
    Pamela xo

  9. Thank you for your nice message! I hope you had a sweet Friday, ours was way crazy, but better now that it's almost over!

    I have that same chenille hoarded away somewhere. I think I meant to use it in the baby room - oops, she's 16 now, so it will have to wait for grandkids! It makes me happy to see yours.

    And reading your bridge post makes me want to go back and watch every Lucy episode. Great inspiration!

    Have a good weekend!
    xo, Andrea

  10. Susan, I love your front door! Mine is the same one ... aren't they fabulous!

    Love your little bear, chenille & that gorgeous vase ... beautiful vignette.

    Have a lovely PINK weekend ~
    TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.