Friday, August 20, 2010

Barn Chick in Training ~ or The Return of Thelma

Here I am in my red cowgirl boots. I am a "Barn Chick in Training". I am getting some real "hands on" experience today. My mission: Return Thelma to her coop next door.

Yes, that's right, Thelma and Bentley had another altercation on our front porch this morning. Apparently she has decided she would like to live permanently at Ash Tree Cottage. Bentley has said no!!

Now that Bentley is safe inside, or should I say that Thelma is safe from him, I will fulfill my mission. I have filled up a little bowl with pumpkin seeds. Since I am only a "Barn Chick in Training", I'm not sure if chickens eat pumpkin seeds or not, but it's all I have. Off I go on the hunt for Thelma who is somewhere in the garden ...

There she is ~ under the wisteria arbor. Hi Thelma! Look what I have for you!!

That's a good girl! Okay, I'm going to pick you up and put you back in your own garden! Okay gals, that's Lesson No. 1 in Barn Chick Training. Approach the chicken slowly, wearing red cowgirl boots and bearing gifts. Hey Karen, I hope that this qualifies me as a real "Barn Chick"!!

Okay Bentley ~ your cottage garden is all yours once again!

Susan and Bentley


  1. your cottage pictures on your sidebar look so cute! Did you ever post pictures of the inside of the cottage?

  2. This story gets better and better...

    Poor Bentley!


  3. I see no reason why the chick couldn't be your next dinner, sweetpea! Divine justice for Bentley. LOL

  4. Haha....I love it! I think the red cowgirl boots did it. Lol! Have a great weekend Susan and Bentley!

  5. This is TOO CUTE, I am LOVIN Thelma(That is my Moms name, hehe)... and she said she was the last, hahaha!!! I don't think chickens eat seeds at all, they are not equipped to open them... When my boys were little we had chickens and even though I let them be field hens when they first were ready to lay I used to keep them in the coop so they KNEW where to lay their eggs and where to roost... I learned that the hard way when I had them ALL up in a tree at night... There is "NOTHING" like fresh eggs... LOVE those BOOTS!!!

  6. I don't remember much from living on a farm in Texas (I was 5) but I think they like cracked corn and stuff like that. Evidently Thelma liked you anyway so now you know whenever she comes for a visit just hoist her little butt up and escort her home!
    ^5 Bentley!
    Tina xo


    Happy weekend to you and Bentley.

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  8. Thelma likes you! What a cutie she is.


  9. So you picked her up and carried her home-love it! I think Thelma has seen the movie Thelma and Louise one too many times and is making her own break for it!!!

  10. She's such a pretty chicken!! I'm surprised she allowed you to pick her up, seeds or no seeds. In the long run, there are worse animals that could decide to move in!! However, if Bentley has a problem every time Thelma comes to visit, that's not good. It's HIS yard! What do Thelma's owners suggest?

    (By the way I know next to NOTHING about chickens and other farm animals, so I'm probably not helping!!! LOL!)

  11. I hope those pretty red boots didn't get into any chickie doo doo :( I think we need to get Thelma a "Louise" to gal pal around with!
    p.s. Bentley, Mom still loves you best!

  12. I have some red cowgirl boots too - - - but I think yours are prettier and I've never worn mine for any REAL barn work.

  13. What a darling post! Yes, I think you are officially a Barn Chick now! Can't wait to see your post at the meeting! xoxo Julie Marie (Barn Chick #2)

  14. If you don't read Mary Jane's Farm you sure need to. You could be a Mary Jane protege in training. I think I could do most anything decked out in red cowboy boots.

  15. Good Luck with that wayward chicken.
    And good for Bentley! He's protecting his turf!

  16. You are one very stylish barn chick! It looks like the Thelma episodes are over now, but I am sure Bentley if happy to have his yard back. Keep the boots handy just in case.


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