Thursday, August 19, 2010

Summer Evening on the Deck

After an exciting morning of chicken removal from the front porch (see prior post), I am ready for a relaxing evening on the deck. A refreshing drink served from a vintage tray. I know ... it says Oregon and we live in Idaho, but I have not found an Idaho tray yet.

Help yourself to guacamole and chips and some crackers with chive and bacon spread.

We are grilling up some chicken to serve with corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes and sugar snap peas on these cute vintage picnic dishes. Hey ... where's the flatware??

Isn't this a cute vintage butter dish that looks like an ear of corn? I found this set at a garage sale. It came with little corn salt and pepper shakers and little husks to serve the corn.

While I go inside to get some flatware, please stop by to visit The Colorado Lady for Vintage Thingie Thursday. Suzanne is on a bit of a vacation, but her VTT post is up. I am also linking up with Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for her Tablescape Thursday.

A chicken update ... Thelma has been safely returned home after a delightful afternoon of free ranging in our yard. Bentley, however, is on patrol making sure that no more chickens hop the fence into HIS yard this evening! There he goes now, checking the fence line!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. He will probably bark in anger over it all day! Love the yellow pretties.

  2. Oh finally did have a 'corny' post. Love the vintage dinnerware, even the corny ones.
    Poor Bentley...tell those neighbors you don't go in their yard and sit!
    Shadow doesn't mind chickens. I was really thinking of getting a rooster and hen..neighbors were all for it...they'd get some fresh eggs out of it, but we have to get a conditional use permit and all neighbors would have to like it or no permit....the rooster crowin thing. Well, the neighbors weren't all hep on the idea..My Mom and Dad especially and I found I am highly allergic to feathers, sooo another dream bites the dust.

  3. Cute table, love the linens! And a dog's work is never done:@)

  4. What a lovely and inviting table. I love the corn butter and S&P. I'm going to be on the lookout. Glad all your chicken wrangling turned out OK.

  5. Your table looks great. It is definitely ready for a Summer barbacue ! Thanks for stopping by and say hello to bentley for us.......Julian

  6. I love it!! We need to get you an Idaho tray! Let the search begin! Love all the corn accessories. My husband is a blatant corn/butter roller that drives me nuts! What are you supposed to do with a stick of butter that has corn silk in it? I just love the s & p's!!


    P.S. Glad you have some semblance of order in your yard!

  7. I am ready for that beverage on the vintage tray! It's all very warm and inviting.

  8. Would like your recipe for the bacon spread. Sounds delicious. That little antique store looks fun. Is it in Boise? Mimi

  9. Susan,
    I love your table. Love the vintage picnic stuff and that little corn holder-just adorable!

  10. I wish I was there to join for this little meal. Everything you are serving is my very favorite.

  11. I'll be there in just a bit...coming from Oklahoma....probably have to come on a puddle jumper that lands in Pocatello. Your tablescape makes me really happy. Thanks for sharing your charming design...and don't let everyone else eat all the fresh corn. Cherry Kay

  12. Adorable! Love the vintagey feel! Good luck with your chicken!
    Have a beautiful weekend~
    ;-D Kathleen

  13. Hmmm...I'm trying to come up with something to be motivated about for dinner. Yours looks tasty!

  14. Looks great, Susan. Hmmmmm, if I were over there, you would have to get one more of those martini glasses out :)
    Love the vintage napkins!
    Night, night, Bentley


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.