Wednesday, August 18, 2010

*** Chicken Newsflash!!!***

I am interrupting this White and Wordless Wednesday for a Special Report!!! One of my neighbor's chickens has hopped the fence and is sitting on the arm of the rocking chair on the front porch (she can't sit in the seat because yet another phone book has been delivered and is assuming that coveted spot)!! Needless to say, Bentley is inside looking at her and is very aggravated about the whole situation!

Further updates as they happen. Thanks for tuning in for this brief interruption. Back to our regularly scheduled post!

Susan and Bentley


  1. That's funny and newsworthy! ;D

  2. I am laughing so hard my dogs think I've lost it! That's truly one funny sight! I bet Bentley is completely bonkers over it.

  3. Buster would be going nuts if he saw thhe chicken:)

    BTW I always want to mention that I love your header and the quote beneath it♥


  4. That is too precious! Visiting chickens!....hey do you think she will leave you an egg as a hostess gift?
    Tina xo

  5. Susan...You are so lucky to have chickens in your neighborhood. Lately, I've been awakened at 5:30 in the morning be a crowing rooster but he sounds far away so I don't know exactly where he lives. Keep us informed. xo, Rosemary

  6. I love this!! She's a great looking chicken and fits right into your style. It's sort of like performance art!! Wonder how you can convince her to visit often.....

  7. Oh!! Is this funny Susan! You will need someone from 4H to help you out!

    Poor Bentley!


  8. That is adorable! That chicken obviously wanted to cross to the 'other side of the road' or fence, as it were.


  9. a great news flash- love it! do bad it was not Barn Chick day! you could share it on the next meeting- 9-3!
    poor Bentely- Krumpet would go nuts...


  10. Now ya see, things like this just don't happen in Philly! How cool:@)

  11. So glad I checked the news! We never have anything like that around here!!

  12. I think you should throw a little flour on it and there you have a new addition to White Wednesday!

  13. That's pretty funny. Looks ike she is in charge.
    Last week 20, yes 20, wild turkeys strutted through our yard. My dogs were not happy. They took their time, one by one. My husband said maybe he should keep on for Thanksgiving. WOuld that be a free range organic turkey.
    I am anxious to hear how this chickie got home again.

  14. Oh, so funny !
    She obviously had her sights set on enjoying a certain neighbor's sweet front porch today, and almost made it into one of those pretty rockers !
    Bentley would make short work of that chicken, if he were allowed a chance.

  15. Loved this Susan! I bet that chicken was giving Bentley a fit! Ha ha!

    Happy Wednesday! The Lady of the House

  16. Too cute! That is the funniest thing I have seen or heard today!~Hugs,Patti

  17. That daring chicken entering into Bentley's space! Bentley, you have Aunt Robin's permission to bark at that naughty chicken and drive Mommy crazy :) Of course, Cocoa and Theo would never drive their Mommy crazy with barking. NOT! Wait I spoke too soon, a leaf is falling from the tree, I think I hear barking???

  18. What an adorable post. You should have put a smile everyone's face with this. Even the chickens know a a good home when they see it. Yes, to your comment. That is a scene from Caddo Lake. How are you familiar with it? I will be doing a post in the future on this area.

  19. Hi: What a cute post! Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  20. This is just too funny! I bet your pup went crazy with the chicken visitor! I know our little cocker spaniel would! Love your blog, Bentley is just adorable!

  21. Awww, maybe she needed to look up a number in that phone book. I am surprised doggy pooh didn't eat her up!

  22. How awesome is this!!! Wha a riot Susan!
    How did you get this chicken home?
    Oh too funny...I just love chickens!!

    Pamela xo

  23. Nice chicken!Very funny post ! I have a pet chicken named Barbie .

  24. My boys would be beside themselves if they saw this out the window. What a hoot!

  25. Bentley, please watch you temper. People eat chickens, not pedigrees like yorkies like us. Love, Zoe


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