Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Beach Dreams

I love the sea and it is my dream to one day have a little cottage near the sea. A place to walk along the sand, collect shells and listen to the waves roll ashore. So until the day that I do have that little cottage by the sea, whenever I find something that reminds me of a coastal cottage, I put it aside for the future. Like this sweet painting of a seaside village.

And a nautical lamp I found at a thrift store and painted white.

And a few shells that Bentley and I collected on our last trip to the Oregon Coast. I'm linking up with Marty for Table Top Tuesday and Linda's Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays.

Bentley, come sit in my lap and we will look at photos from our last trip to the coast!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh, you and me both! I'd love the sound of the sea to drift off to sleep by each night.

  2. I am with you on the seaside cottage!! I've never been to the Oregon coast but it sounds lovely!

    Love your painting and the lamp is very nice...you did a great job!


  3. lovely ,lovely beacjy dreams. I know they will come true for you and Bentley. Krumpet and I would love to visit!


  4. Love the painting and the lamp is so wonderful. Shells are always so pretty to see. Great dream. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  5. Hey Susan! I am a huge fan of all things coastal as you know - when that little beachy cottage comes your way, it'll be a good reason to have another blog because you know we'll all want to see what you did inside! :o) xoxo, SJ

  6. Susan,
    I love the ocean, too. Mom, Dad and I started going to Florida when I was 5 and the tradition continues on today. I love that little lamp! So cute, just like you sweet Bentley...

  7. What fabulous finds! I adore that nautical lamp!! You have the same dream I do. :) Kisses to Bentley boy. :)

  8. Hi there! I a your newest follower!!! I found you on the Tuesday linky! I love finding new blogs and yours is lovely:) You can find me at www.bouffeebambini.blogspot.com

  9. I love the ocean and would love to live near the ocean someday too! Great find with the lamp and the shells are beautiful! :)

  10. love love love that pic of the seaside cottages,
    so pretty and whimsical. What a great way to live your dream now!! Very neat!!
    Blessings, Nellie


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