Monday, November 15, 2010

Prayer Request

Aunt Susan

On Wednesday, November 17, 2010, my Aunt Susan will be having open heart surgery to repair both the tricuspid valve and the mitral valve of her heart. She will also be having by pass surgery. This will not be an easy surgery and will take about 6 hours to be complete.

I am requesting prayers for her full recovery. Aunt Susan is a dear sweet soul and the only sibling of my Mother. Thank you for your prayers.

Susan and Bentley


  1. I will say a special prayer for her, and ask that
    God will guide her through her surgery, and make a complete recovery.

  2. Oh Susan. You KNOW I will be praying for her and your family... Everyone who Loves this special lady will be in my prayers... I have a special LINK these days because of my brother... I carry my rosary "Everywhere I go"! Love&Hugs to you, Donna

  3. Oh Susan. You KNOW I will be praying for her and your family... Everyone who Loves this special lady will be in my prayers... I have a special LINK these days because of my brother... I carry my rosary "Everywhere I go"! Love&Hugs to you, Donna

  4. Of course. She is in my thoughts and prayers.


  5. Dear Susan;
    Your precious aunt will most definitely be in my prayers this week for an easy surgery and complete recovery.
    I also had an aunt Susan who was very dear to me. Aunts are a very special group of ladies!
    Love to both you and Bentley!
    Tina xo

  6. Lord, we lift Aunt Susan up to you in prayer for healing, a cloak of protection and invisibility form the enemy and that the doctors' hands would be blessed and do their work with skill and accuracy. I pray for quick healing, no infections and a limited hos[ital stay and that she would be filled with joy because she knows You hold tomorrow in your hand.
    Also I pray for comfort on her family, Lord that Your peace would prevail. Amen.

  7. Hoping for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. Thinking of you both!

  8. I know everyone will hold your Aunt in God's healing light!
    Sending you a big hug..

  9. Susan, I hope your aunt is recovering from her surgery. I'm late reading your posts, but she will be in my prayers. What a beautiful woman she is!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.