Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thank You

Thank you for your prayers. It has been a tough day. Aunt Susan was in surgery for over 6 hours. Then we learned that there was bleeding into the chest cavity. The bleeding was stemmed and she is on a ventilator and her condition has been stabilized. Thanks to all of you who have been supportive during this trying time.

Life is fragile. Love your family and friends!!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan and Bentley so sorry I haven't been around. I just read on your Aunt Susan! I am sending healing thoughts and prayers her way right now! Lots of hugs....yes life is definitely fragile. I am finally learning that at 43 but never too late, right? :) xoxo

  2. Praying for Aunt Susan. That is such extensive surgery. I'll be praying for her medical team as well. Keep us posted when you have time.
    Ladybug Creek

  3. I am glad aunt Susan made it through the surgery and I am continuing to pray for your aunt's full recovery Susan! Sending much love and positive energy!
    Tina xo

  4. Keeping your Aunt in my prayers.


  5. Sorry I missed your last post. My step mom went through this several years ago. Praying for a quick recovery!

  6. Susan,
    I just sent you a message on FB, no need to respond, as I am just reading this. I am so glad that Aunt Susan has made it out of surgery. I will keep her and you in my prayers. Keep us posted, as time allows.
    Love you my friend.

  7. Keeping your Aunt Susan in my prayers and praying for a speedy recovery.

  8. Praying right now for your Aunt Susan.

  9. I came to you by way of Angela at Free Spirit Haven. I hope your aunt will be well soon and my thoughts are with you and your family.

  10. I see a few have come already and have lifted her up...((hugs))


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.