Friday, February 18, 2011

Pink Dotted Swiss

The other day I went to my favorite consignment shop and
discovered four panels of pink dotted swiss. One pair is an 84" long, lined
and weighted drape. The other pair are sheer. Both have lovely
scalloped edges. I have always love dotted swiss fabric and was
thrilled to find them especially at very a reasonable price or let's say cheap.
I am not quite sure how I will use them yet. I'm thinking about using
the sheers as cafe curtains on a white rod with white rings.
What do you think?

I just love consignment shops ~ don't you?

I am joining ~


Bentley ~ the manager of the consignment shop has a very cute
little female Boston Terrier named Dot. I think you two
would make a very cute couple!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh goodness! I LOVE dotted Swiss, and haven't seen any of it in YEARS. When I was a girl my mom used to make dresses out of it for my sister and me.

  2. Same as Keetha above, love dotted swiss, grew up with it, but have not seen it in years. Yes, love cosignment and thrift stores. Happy PS

  3. Pretty fabric, lovin' the polka dots and scalloped edge-have fun Susan:@)

  4. Oh my gosh what beautiful dotted swiss ~ oh the things you could do. Oh the cafe curtains would be adorable ~ go for it!

  5. I love dotted Swiss, too and what you found is extraordinary! Love the pink scalloped edges!

    Yes! I love consignment shops, thrift stores, estate sales, yard name it!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  6. Dotted Swiss reminds me of my childhood. Great find, Susan. ~ Sarah

  7. You NEVER see dotted swiss anymore!! It has always seemed so crisp and summery to me but I haven't owned anything madee of dotted swiss since I was 10 years old (that was a long time ago!!)

  8. I just love swiss dots but have never seen it in pink! These are so pretty! I can't wait to see what you do with them...I like the idea you have in mind!!

    Hope David likes the pasta Susan!!

    Pamela xo

  9. Oh! I love dotted swiss and pink dotted swiss is even better!
    Happy Pink Saturday Susan and Bentley!

  10. oh I love dotted swiss! In the pictures of my grandparents house the front bedroom of my Aunts had dotted swiss curtains criss crossed, would love to find some to make it look like it did in the 1940's!

  11. What adorable curtains. My First Communion dress was dotted swiss and I can remember it was very scratchy!! These gems look smooth and soft.

  12. So pretty! I love anything with a scalloped edge. Lovely post yesterday! Mimi

  13. Hi and Happy Pink Saturday! I love your pink dotted swiss-what a wonderful find. Thanks for the visit too-how fun that your license plate reads lanyap. Not too many people know what it means outside here. I also loved reading your response to that "blogger". He obviously has some serious issues!!

  14. You found the deal of the day. I love dotted swiss and the edges are just perfect. I would love to see what you decide to do with them. Happy Pink Saturday, Char
    Arf to Bentley

  15. What a great find! I love dotted swiss! Brings back a lot of memories of my childhood dresses!

  16. I have always loved dotted swiss. One of my fave dresses when I was a teen was red with white dots. I made a sheer pink dotted swiss dress and coat for my daughter one Easter when she was little. A couple years ago I helped my friend make her granddaughter a dotted swiss dress.

    Now you've made me want to make something out of dotted swiss:)

  17. Happy Pink Saturday Susan Sweetie...
    Oh my what a wonderful find. I love dotted swiss and these curtains are absolutely elegant. I can see them hanging at a window with a light breeze blowing through the open window. Keep me posted on what you do with them. Seeing as how they are lined, they would also make a wonderful shower curtain. You could accent with pink items. That would be elegant as well.

    Give Bentley a little hug from Ms Country Wings and remind him that he is so loved too. He just tugs at my little heart each time I see him.

    Have a glorious weekend sweetie. I am still having issues with my blogger dashboard. All my lists are gone, so now I can't see when anyone posts. I am going to start using Google Reader tomorrow so that I can start visiting my blog friends. This has gone on for 4 days with blogger, and have gotten no help what so ever from them.

    Happy Pink Saturday sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  18. oh wow, what a lovely pink dotted swiss! it looks so beautiful! I love it....thanks for sharing and happy pink saturday!

  19. So pretty and I know they will look very pretty in Ash Tree, wherever you decide to put them.
    Bentley, you might bring Dot and doggie treat for your first date :)

  20. How cute! I think however you decide to use them they will be fabulous. Are you planning to use the cafe curtains in your breakfast room?

  21. Oh, Susan, I love those dotted Swiss panels; so so pretty! They will look wonderful in your cottage; great find! Thanks for your visit and Happy Pink Saturday.


  22. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Those dotted Swiss panels are lovely!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  23. I am absolutely in LOVE!! They are gorgeous... You scored an amazing find and I think the sheers would look perfect as cafe curtains!! I can't wait to see what you do with them!
    Have a wonderful weekend...

  24. Susan, the pink dotted swiss is wonderful! Wish I had found them. Now show us where you hang them ...

    Happy PS Saturday ~
    TTFN ~

  25. What a great find gorgeous piece of fabric. Your can make so many lovely treasures with that, cant wait to see.

  26. Dotted swiss AND scalloped edges - Susan, you can't get any better than that. So pretty. I can't wait to see what you do with them. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things. Is Bentley panting to go to the consignment shop now? laurie

  27. I have alway had a "thing" for dotted Swiss--it just reminds me of my childhood! That would be adorable in a little girl's room or nursery. I have no doubt you will put it to good use!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.