Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cabin Dreams

David and I have been dreaming of the cabin we want to build on the lot we bought
back in September.  I have been gathering up things I want to put in the cabin before
it's even built.  I know ~ it's the cart before the horse.

These Ralph Lauren tartan plates are for the cabin and so are the birch bark 
candles.  It seems like every time I go into a thrift or consignment shop I find
something that would be perfect for up north.

We are going to have to decide on a plan soon, because we need to submit it to
the home owner's association for approval, then start pulling permits and also
get our logs ordered from the mill.  Thankfully we live in logging country, so
we can have our pick of logs.  

We already know that we want post and beam construction, open concept and a
big stone fireplace as well as a wood stove.  However, when we start altering
plans, we are a bit like Cary Grant and Myrna Loy in Mr Blandings Builds His
Dream House.  It's he wants, she wants, but we have a budget and it's not
a huge one.  

Primarily I want it to be cozy and charming and filled with vintage decor.  A real
vintage camp style place that our friends and family will love to visit.  A place for the
skis, snowboards, snowshoes and fly fishing gear.  A table where we can play Scrabble
and put jigsaw puzzles on days when we are snowed in.  

A dinner bell out on the back porch that we can ring when dinners ready and a 
martini flag that we can fly when it's time for cocktails.

It won't be spring until we will be able to break ground, but until then I will
be gathering up vintage items to turn our cabin into a cozy nest.

I am linking up to

Bentley ~ I see you brought out your moose.  You are anxious to go up
north too.

Susan and Bentley


  1. What fun to dream and plot the perfect get-away! I'm thrilled for you and Bentley! Have fun collecting lovely vintage items!

  2. How exciting Susan! I am so happy for you and your hubby...I know you are having so much fun planning and dreaming and I know it will all be so pretty and cozy when it's done...these things are going to be perfect in your cabin...I can't wait to one day see it :)
    Big hugs,

  3. Susan, I'd be dreaming and gathering things too. What a wonderful project to look forward to. Love all your plaid details. Did you make the fox tag? It's terrific. ~ Sarah

  4. A cabin in the woods - how romantic! I would be going crazy too, getting goodies to bring there. Blessings, xo

  5. Fun to plan and dream! I love those plates!!!

  6. This reminded me when we purchased our cabin in Colorado. What fun it was to gather treasures for that space. Actually for me, that was the very best part...planning out the decor!! Happy VTT!

  7. It never hurts to plan ahead.

  8. There are hope chests and there are hope trunks...tree that is...for cabins! How fun you are planning and squirreling things away in advance!

  9. Looks like you have a great start on your decor. We have a cabin and it is decorated pottery barn style. Our get away... we are planning on going there this weekend.

  10. How fun to decorate a cabin! Love all your cute things. Mimi

  11. Oh, what fun to plan your dream cabin and what you will furnish it with! You have a great the things you have chosen...great candles!

  12. Hi Susan and Bentley!

    Oh what a lucky chickie you are! A CABIN.... I love your goodies and can't wait to see it all put together. YUM.


  13. How fun it must be to start to pick up accessories here and there for your cabin. I bet you can't wait until spring.

  14. This would be an amazing project! No wonder your excited! Thank you for linking up with Home Sweet home!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.