Sunday, January 1, 2012


My friend Alison at The Polo House is having a new linky party ~ 
Favorites of the First.  This first month's edition is Collections.
Well ~ I sure can relate to that!

I collect quilts both vintage, like this one and new ones too.
 And I really enjoy making my own.

I love to collect vintage books and floral china.


Vintage linens.

Vintage children's toys and books.

Minis of course and when I can't find what I want, I make my own.

Anything from the world of horses.  Alison and I share this passion.

Dogs of course!

And lately ...

Chickens and roosters.  One of my co-workers recently asked me if I was
starting to develop hoarding tendencies.  I hope not!

Please stop by and visit Alison ~

Bentley ~ do you think that Momma is a horder?

Susan and Bentley


  1. No not a hoarder, just smart enough to surround yourself with beautiful things!

  2. I think you're just a woman who knows what she likes, not a hoarder! LOL!!! Love all your "stuff" too!


  3. I loved seeing some of your delightful collections, Susan. I think you are a discerning collector, not a hoarder!! Wishing you a Happy New Year!
    Helen x

  4. A HOARDER ?.......NO WAY !! :))
    If you one, I one, too! hahaaa...

    Susan, I don't read comments on other blogs I am visiting as I don't like being influenced in what I write..but every now and then, one seems to jump out at me (God showing me a little lesson??) and I just wanted to say the comment you left for Brenda in her Cozy Little house was just precious.
    Why, girl, you made ME even feel better and I don't have even a hint of a crisis. :)
    You have such a kind heart and sweet spirit...and I am so glad we are blogging together. AND, I love Bentley, too. :)

    I didn't know about this wonderful new meme..I'll try to play along in the next one.
    hugs, bj

  5. I love all your collections, especially the doggies. I will post to this party next time. I've gathered lots of iron stone in the last 2 years - so thats a collection:)


  6. You are cracking me up, Susan!!!
    You are not a hoarder!!!
    So funny.
    Yes, we do share such similar tastes and passions and I am always in awe of your vignettes that you put together with your miniatures. Love the little chairs and furniture, and it takes up soooo much less space that the life size pieces, right?!

    I should try to list all the things I collect, but I think you may be on to something.... when you list it, it does seem more compulsive, so maybe I had better NOT!!!! Hahahaha!

    We are in good company, this I know.
    Love ya!
    Thanks for linking up, Susan.
    Kiss Bentley for me

  7. You are not a hoarder! You have many lovely items in your home. Especially that cutie patootie Bentley. Happy 2012. xo

  8. Love the redwork quilt. What a treasure it is! Sally

  9. Susan, I definitely don't think of collecting as hoarding. But if collecting is hoarding, I'm guilty of that. LOL We share some of the same collecting interests - quilts, dishes, linens, hens, roosters ... the list goes on and on.
    I'm curious about the little children's books. Can you tell us more about these? I'd love to see some shots of these books on that shelf.
    Happy New Year to you and Bentley. Hugs ~ Sarah

  10. Thank you for stopping by Vinnord!!!! And thank you for showing your awesome collections. I too collect old childrens books by the way, AND anything english classy equestrian!!! :D

  11. Happy New Year Susan and Bentley! Love your collections especially the red quilt and vintage linens. Blessings in 2012.

  12. oh I always loved your quilt collection specially, but love the others too. I like the doggie ones too and the floral porcelain...ok, everything! Happy New Year 2012.

  13. Thanks for sharing your pretty collection with us. No - You are not hoarding. There is definite a difference in collecting and hoarding.:D
    Wishing you a Wonderful New Year!!

  14. Wonderful collections ! I love vintage linnens too .

  15. Love the dogs! Great collections! Thanks for sharing and Happy New year!

  16. hoarding!!!???? no way!!! just call it an appreciation for the beautiful, sweet and whimsical things in life. :)

  17. Thank you for your visit and a Happy New Year to you too :O)

  18. Hi Susan! Oh, what wonderful collections you have! Happy New Year to you, sweet friend.
    Be are the sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.