Monday, January 2, 2012

What's On My Plate for 2012?

2012 ~ a new year and new ideas.  So what is on my plate for this year?

I have had so much fun blogging over the past couple of years.  It's hard to believe
that I will have been blogging for a full two years on January 21st.  Wow ~ the
time has really flown by.

I want to continue to grow as a blogger.  I want to have fun and to entertain you.
I want to focus on more easy to create and inexpensive decorating ideas.  But, this 
blog will always have a light heart.  

I also have another blog ~ Susan's Path.  This is my on-line journal.  It's a place
where I can discuss topics that I feel passionate about.  Sometime the topics will
be light and fun, but at other times they will be more serious.  So, if you want to
get into my head a bit and to share your own comments ~ that's the place to go.
My first topic of discussion is Adult Bullies.  The live on the adult playground
and are a force to be faced.  I'll be posting later today on that topic.

Black and White Nostalgia  is a blog I started a while ago.  I created this blog because
I long to take more artsy pics and I thought that this would push me in that
direction.   I have not done too much with this recently, but plan to spend more
time there in 2012.  Finally ~ there is Ash Tree Cottage Minis because I just
love miniature dollhouses.

And ...

I finally have a new camera.  The entire time I have been blogging I have been
taking pics with an old cast off camera from my hubby.  It has a whopping 2.1 mega pixs.
I have jumped up to a new Fuji (thank you David) and it has a zoom lens too.
Now I will be able (at least that's the plan) to take better pics and something more
than vignettes because that's about all I could do before.

I have loved every minute I have spent sharing bits of my cottage with you and
getting to know all of you.  I am looking forward to a fun filled year here
at Ash Tree Cottage with my buddy Bentley.  I hope that we will bring some
sunshine to you throughout 2012!

Let's visit Marty for this year's first

Bentley ~ let's make this the best year yet!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Your pictures have always looked great.
    I do well with one blog, can not imagine more that one! You go girl!!

  2. Looking forward to reading about the bullies. I just finished a lesson on bullying with my 6th & 8th graders. Very intense for some of them.

    I love your transferware dishes! I'm keeping an eye out for some green ones!!

  3. Good heavens - more to read!
    I love your transferware and the way you've displayed it.

  4. Looks like you're going to be busy in 2012. I didn't realize you had 2 other blogs. Happy New Year to you and enjoy your new camera!

  5. Adore the Red and white transferware! Looking forward to more of your posts. XO Cindy

  6. Loved spending time with you in 2011!
    Love and hugs,
    I loved spending time with you, too Bentley!!!

  7. I'd love to have a new camera but I need something that fits in my purse since I bring mine everywhere.

    My, you have a lot of blogs, I didn't know! I will be sure to check them out. Love your goals. Happy 2012!


  8. I had no idea you had so many blogs. How fun. I'm going to go check out the bullying post right now.

  9. What a lovely post. Congrats on your Anniversary!!! You have taken amazing pics with your camera and I really look forward to what all you can do with a new one. Your home is lovely and I have enjoyed taking peeks inside and look forward to the coming year with more posts. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.