Monday, January 2, 2012

Confronting the Childhood Bully

No ~ that's not the childhood bully ~ that's me looking oh so intimidating
in my cowgirl outfit and those stunning rubber boots!

I have just posted my first in a series of "The Bully".  I had my first
experience with a bully when I was a young girl and just finished writing
about it in my on-line journal.  Stop by and read it if you like and please
feel free the share your own experiences.  You can find it here ~

Susan's Path

I hope this on-line journal will give me a chance to discuss the
topics that effect our lives.  It's a place where we can
dream big dreams, laugh at life's problems, refuse to let anyone
tell us no and remember to put a cookie in our lunch boxes.

Bentley and I hope to see you there from time to time.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan ~ Love the boots ~ I'm on my way ;-)

  2. Oh Susan, what an adorable little girl you were. I think I had a very similar vest and skirt (I still have mine - of course!) Wishing you and Bentley a wonderful 2012! I'm off to read your journal. laurie

  3. O what a sweet pic ...I will surely check your journal thanks for sharing ! Children are so cruel to others and in the day and age even more so ! Have a great week! hugs lilraggedyangie

  4. Hey, that could almost be me, in my full on Hopalong Cassidy gear.

  5. I will be stopping by to read your story. Happy New Year, Susan.


  6. Did you by any chance read my first novel, "False Victim"? If not then I hope you will. YOu can either get it at the bookstore, Amazon or Kindle. It is a MAJOR league bullying story to beat all. It happened to us when we first moved to Northern Virginia. It's listed as a psychological thriller. Forgive me if you already knew this, but I sold the movie rights and it was also a segment on Investigation Discovery. Even with all the good things that have come out of it I still can't say that I am 'glad' and that it was 'all for the best' and that was 'the reason'. It's been 7 years since we were forced to flee our home but it still has a very, huge dramatic impact on our daily life.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.