Sunday, January 15, 2012

Congratulations Genevieve!

Congrats Genevieve!  You may not have won the Miss America crown last night,
but you have won the hearts of those of us in Idaho!

Genevieve's mom, Mary Beth, is a friend of mine. Mary Beth has told me of 
all the work Genevieve has done to raise the self esteem of young women all over
this country.  I am very proud that Genevieve represented the state of Idaho in
the Miss America pageant last night!   You have a bright future ahead of you
Genevieve and we are proud of you!

Bentley is too!!

Susan and Bentley


  1. She's just beautiful, isn't she?


  2. How exciting that you know someone who's been on tv. Or at least know of someone...

    When I started college, one of the girls on the floor in my dorm was in the Miss Teen USA pagaent. Nobody had met her yet, so we all huddled around this tiny, tiny tv trying to catch a glimpse of her. When she didn't make the first round of the televised pagaent, there wasn't much need to watch the show anymore.

    Sounds like Genevieve stands for a great cause, and I hope she continues to help young women after her year of service expires. Have a great week!

  3. Hurray for Genevieve! I wish I could have watched!

    When I was a little girl, I was teased at school unmercifully but there was an elderly lady in my neighborhood who told me that I was beautiful and that she knew one day she would turn on the TV and there I would be on the Miss America pageant! Ha-ha! She sure made me smile! Anyway, it is for that reason that the pageant holds special meaning for me.

    ~ Blinks back tears ~

  4. Winning isn't everything, is it! She has accomplished & impacted already so much in her young life. She will go far.
    What a beautiful she is.
    Have a lovely week ~
    TTFN ~

  5. Genevieve is such a lovely young lady! I did not watch the pageant, but I think it is amazing what these young women are accomplishing these days. Kudos to all the contestants!

  6. Beautiful girl. I watched Miss America the other night and was very impressed by the quality of young women there.

  7. Lovely young lady! I would not want to be a judge! I feel all are winners and will accomplish much!


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