Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Farm Fresh Touches in the Kitchen

Wow ~ have I ever been busy lately.  I have been coordinating my Mom's 
kitchen remodel.  We have stalled out for the past few days because she
strained some muscles while doing some yard work.  She fell while using
the leaf blower in her yard.  After the fall, she could not walk without pain,
started complaining about pain in the hip area and had some swelling
and redness around the shin. But the good news is no fractures, no
blood clots ~ just strained muscles.  That's a huge relief for me.  I am not
stressing out about that anymore.  Now all I have to do is make sure she
takes it easy for a few days.

In the meantime ...

The wrought iron scroll shelf brackets should be arriving any day now for some
open shelves in her kitchen.  I had the tile man over to measure for the job so
that will be happening too.  I still have to pick out pendant lighting for above  her
new bar top and get the painters in before the carpenters finish the trim and a 
new surround over the stove.  I have also found a few new accents for my own
 kitchen refreshing.  A wrought iron roo doorstop and a wrought iron soap dish.
I gave them both a coat of heirloom white paint.

Some fresh flowers that make me sigh and calm me down.  Life can get
pretty hectic, but a sweet farm fresh kitchen is like a breath of fresh air.

How do you like the new roos Bentley?

Susan and Bentley


  1. Such pretty flowers! What kind are they? They look kind of like hollyhocks. I love the wrought iron soap dish, too. Did you prime or anything, or just have at it with the Heirloom White?

    Can't wait to see your Mom's kitchen progress!


    1. Hi Angela! No, I did not prime first. I just used a can of heirloom white and it covered both pieces just fine. Thanks for stopping by!!
      Hugs, S&B

  2. Glad to know your Mother will be fine. Always a worry when they get older. Your decor is so warm & welcoming.
    Have a great eve ~
    TTFN ~

  3. Thank you! And to you as well.
    Hugs, S&B

  4. Susan, glad to hear your mom didn't break anything. I'm loving all your farm house kitchen whites in the previous post and today's post. ;-)

    1. Me too! I started googling her symptoms and took her right in to see what was going on. They ran all of the tests and assured me she was fine. Best news!!
      Hugs, S&B

  5. What a scare with your mother...and a relief that nothing is broken! - Love the flowers, I couldn't identify them, they look kind of like snapdragons but too large...I give up. xo

    1. I can't identify them either. My husband brought them home in a bouquet filled with baby's breath.
      Hugs, S&B

  6. I'm sure that everyone breathed a sigh of relaxation at the sight of the easy-on-the-eye white in this post - lovely! I'm glad to know that your mum is going to be alright, but sorry for her pain.

    1. My Mum is a pistol and so is her sister who had open heart surgery last year. They are forever climbing on ladders and scaring my cousins and me. Curt and I laugh that the only way to keep them safe is to wrap them up in bubble wrap!
      Hugs, S&B

  7. Love your farm house kitchen vignette. The flowers are so pretty and I love the sparkling white towels. Wish my kitchen towels would stay that white.

    1. Hi Babs! It helps that the towels are new ones lol.
      Hugs, S&B

  8. Love farm house looks in a kitchen Susan!
    I hope you post some photos of your mom's new kitchen!
    Pamela xo

    1. Hi Pamela! I will be posting pics of her kitchen.
      Hugs, S&B

  9. Sorry about your mom...it sounds painful. I am looking forward to seeing her kitchen! :)


  10. Looking forward to seeing the finished kitchen. Hope your mother is feeling much better soon. I also just love your blog header, beautiful.

  11. Fresh flowers always make the day better! I'm sorry about your mother, but happy to hear the injuries weren't more serious.


  12. Thankful your mom is okay. The vignette is wonderful. hugs, olive


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