Sunday, February 26, 2012

Living the Life

It's fun being a blogger.  I have the opportunity to share lots of mini creations 
with you. I am playing with dishes ~ creamy white bowls, a little tea pot,
an old McCann's Oatmeal can filled with parsley.  

Oh how easy it is to amuse myself!  

Have a wonderful and happy Sunday amusing yourselves with things you
love to do.

Bentley is full of beans.  He has been racing around the yard chasing
squirrels and then he runs back inside and tosses his toys in the air
waiting for us to applaud his achievements.  He never fails to amuse!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Love the cannister and the teapot. Bentley, you silly boy. You will need a nappy soon, if you keep that up!

  2. I love that blogging gives me an excuse to play with my dishes and then photograph them! Love your little vignette! Hugs, LInda

  3. I am going to go play with some dishes too. Everyone just left the house and I am all alone (with the dogs) so time to play! Love your vignette. XO, Pinky

  4. That teapot is darling!! And so is Bentley!!


  5. I enjoy amusing myself on Sunday as well. It's fun to play, isn't it!

  6. Sounds like a fun Sunday! Bentley sounds so fun! Love the pretty photos...and your styling, too!

  7. Souns like you having a fun Sunday. Bentley sounds alot like Chessie. Chessie loves to throw his toys in the air and catch them.
    Have a great day ;-)

  8. I agree, it is so easy to amuse oneself when playing in the dishes. Sounds like Bentley is enjoying his Sunday too. ~ sarah

  9. Not only is the can pretty but Joe and I frequently eat steel cut oats. I took photos of soap the other morning and was very content. Who Knew?

  10. Poking around with our stuff always is fun. Watching our pets play is better.

  11. Wishing you a sweet week full of sweet moments with Bently..
    Hugs, Elizabeth

  12. Awww! Bentley sounds like so much fun and makes me miss my girl, Sheba! *sigh* I can spend hours rearranging and playing with my treasures. I have a hen bowl just like your rooster on top of a cabinet in my kitchen, you can see it here:
    Hope you have a wonderful week and please stop by for my new party: Frugal Treasures Tuesday!

  13. I love your vignettes and your stories of Bentley. Visiting your blog is always so enjoyable. It's wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.