Saturday, July 7, 2012

Another Giveaway and Another Sneak Peek of My Kitchen

I have been so busy painting cabinets in my kitchen, but every once
and a while I need a break.  So I took my cup of coffee into the living
room and started looking through a pile of old magazines.  

I think that I own every issue of Mary Engelbreit's magazine ~
Home Companion.  But I can't keep them all.

So ...

I have decided to give a few of them away.  I will be giving three of you an opportunity
to win one magazine each.  There is an April/May 2003 issue.  One from
August/September 2004 and another from August/September 2005.

If you would like to win one of these mags, just leave a comment
and I will enter your name in the hat!

And for now ~ it's back to more painting.  Later on I will be
taking another break to join in on some party fun and will be
stopping by to visit ~

Honest Bentley, I have not forgotten about your dog toy
giveaway.  We need to do some shopping before we can
make that happen.

Susan and Bentley


  1. I love that you talk to your dog. I have a min schnauzer I don't talk to. I enjoy your blog!

  2. Love the little sneak peak of your kitchen. I have missed you so and have no much to catch up on. Please enter my name in the hat. Bentley, are you helping mommy paint? with your tail perhaps? ;-)

  3. Oh.. I do love your white cupboards! And, all the chicken and rooster decor too..... charming!
    We have very similar tastes :)

    Have a lovely weekend , you and Bentley :)

    Smiles :)

  4. Love the sneak peek of your kitchen, would love to win a magazine from you and Bently
    Thank you for the chance Susan

  5. I can only imagine if Bentley were to have a conversation with Bryn and Dolly that they were laugh about the things we say to them. Your cupboards are going to be great! I'd love to win one of your magazines.

  6. I'm peaking into your kitchen makeover! I'm loving the white cabinets. I would LOVE to paint mine, hubby says NO WAY!
    Please don't throw my name into your giveaway as I already have the ME magazines.

  7. Count me in! I have several of those magazine, too. Shocking, I know,lol! Bentley, Aunt Robin is sooooooo ready for normal temps in Illinois. Cocoa and Theo need a weather break, too!~

  8. It looks like you're doing a great job. Can't wait to see your finished job. Love the blue and white!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  9. how sweet of you to give away your stash. I love ME...I have those magazines except for the flea market glamour issue. So if ya pick me, I would pick that one!Hee hee.... Happy Sunday!!!!

  10. We painted our cabinets white, too.
    It makes a dramatic difference to the light in the kitchen now :-)
    Yours look great with the red/white check accents!

  11. The cabinets are looking good-it is a huge job. I also have all of my ME Home companions. So don't enter me-just wanted to stop by and say hi.

  12. Your kitchen is looking lovely, painting kitchen cabinets is a hard job. Love your blue and white dishes too! A pat for Bentley! Ann

  13. Hi Susan, I think I have all of those issues of ME so let another lucky person win one instead of me. I'm watching your kitchen paint job. My hubby refuses to let our cabinets be painted so I'm stuck with the dark wood (for now-hehehe). Linda

  14. When I take a short break I too love to read a magazine. I've never seen an issue of ME so I would love to win one! Thanks for the chance. Hugs, Linda

  15. I love what you did. Please enter my name in the hat.

  16. Love your white cab. If Roger came home and found me painting our oak cabinets he would have a heart attack. But I do love yours!
    The Doxies wanted me to say hi to Bently
    Ladybug Cottage

  17. I am another one that has all the issues of the Mary Englebreit magazine, so sad when it stopped publishing. If you happen to draw my name, give it to someone else, so more can enjoy!! Happy painting!!

  18. Looks like your cupboards are coming along nicely. I like the rooster prints with the red gingham matting!

  19. Give Bentley a little hug for me, he's so darned cuddly looking. Love all your blue/white dishes, so envious.
    I was so bummed when Mary Englebreit stopped publishing her zine. I only have one left as I would give them to my daughter when I was thru and she gave them away. I refuse to part with the one do have. Thanks for chance to win one.

  20. Wow your kitchen looks so beautiful I would love to be entered in the giveaway I ahve never even looked at one of those magazines where there are no good mags to even buy

  21. Love the way your china looks. I just purchased my first real (vintage) china....enough to serve 15! We are going to convert our dining room (currently a play/dog room) back to a dining room. I am so excited...I have been pinning rustic farm tables like crazy!

  22. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Thanks!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. How I love your chickens perched high atop your fresh white cupboards! They add such a wonderful old fashioned appeal to your kitchen!
    Thank you for this wonderful post and for your generous giveaway, Susan. I am a big fan of Mary Engelbreit decorating my sewing room with many of her pretties.
    Do have a great week, my friend!

  25. I've been painting my cabinets too! Must be something in the blogs!!!

  26. I REALLY miss Home Companion! How I wish it were back in my mailbox!

  27. My favorite magazine, it's so sad that they aren't available anymore..I miss them...I love the soft blue and white mad I missed the give away...I'm a new follower, My name is Janice@ by and join me as well and visit for a while..Happy Weekend with love Janice..P.S. very nice blog..glad I found you today...


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.