Monday, July 9, 2012

Too Hot to Blog!

Last week ~ wonderful temps.
This week ~ we are broiling.
It's just too hot to do much of anything.

It's even too hot to sit out here.
I think I'll take a nap!

Bentley thinks it's even too hot to chase squirrels.  
He's no fool!

Susan and Bentley


  1. What a lovely porch seat! We are in a cold snap, about 90!

  2. I am so sorry it is so hot. I hate that kind of heat. We have had the most beautiful weather today was high 70s dry and a lovely breeze.

  3. Hi, We had weather in the 105 range for most of June and into July but now our monsoons have started so it is much cooler. I agree that it is too hot to do much. I love your little shelf on your island, under the counter top-simply darling(my grands would love it). I also love your sitting area, so lovely. Stay inside and stay cool.

  4. Beautiful wicker pieces. This looks like a nice place to relax! We are having a thunderstorm this evening ~ finally some rain. It's cooled the temps down to the 70s. Yea!

  5. So it's the heat making me a slow blogger this week....all I want to do is read!

  6. Hi, just found your lovely blog. Wish we had some of your heat over here at the moment.

  7. Oh, mercy! That is how we felt for 10 days & last night got a break in the heat. Your porch is awesome, Susan. I'll bring the lemonade & we can chat a spell ...
    TTFN ~
    Have a cooling week ~

  8. We've been blessed in No. New England, sorry for you high temps, hopefully it will cool off soon!

  9. Here in Oregon it is only 90--way too hot for here. But the only thing I do feel like doing is blogging! Stay cool:)

  10. Hope it cools down soon. Stay inside and drink alot of lemonade!

  11. Oh, it has been a scorching summer!
    You have the right idea....nap and take it easy :)

  12. Temps in the mid west are keeping pace with Saudi Arabia. That is scary.

  13. Susan,
    I's been too hot to do much of anything here on my side of the Prairie! You and Bentley do your best to keep cool!

  14. 108 degrees yesterday, then it cooled down to 93 so it could thunder and rain for a few breathless minutes. I thought I was back in Austin for a minute! Stay cool, Susan.

  15. Hope you're keeping Bentley in during hottest part of the day. We even have to keep our black lab/border collie in lately. He doesn't want to be out, gotten spoiled. Been really hot here also, had 105 out where we live last week, low to mid 90's this week, that feels cool now. We live in western Colorado close to UT border, west of Grand Junction. Eat lots of popsicles, try to stay cool.


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