Saturday, July 14, 2012

From the Desk of Susan and Bentley ~ Texas Hold' Em

Yes Bentley ~ momma played poker for the first time ever last night!
With five men!

I should explain.  Your daddy was there too and the others
were two employees of our construction company.  You know
them Bentley ~ Brad and Ian, Todd who used to work for us,
a friend of theirs, and Brad and Todd's dads.

I was sitting on the sidelines with your daddy when Todd
said that he was going to take a break and why don't I sit in for him.
What me?  I know how to play bridge ~ I used to play in college.
But poker?

So they said sure why not?  And Todd gave me his chips to play.

Well Bentley ~ your momma was a bit nervous.  While this was
a friendly game with a bunch of guys who were not taking things
too seriously ... momma did not want to lose too many of Todd's chips!

But guess what happened!

Your momma won two big pots!!!
It was at that time that the guys decided it was time for your
daddy to take your momma home.

Of course it was a fluke that I won.  Sure did have
fun though!!

Since poker is out of the question right now let's join
some other fun parties ~

Seasonal Sundays
Sunny Simple Sundays

Bentley ~ we need to announce the winners of last week's magazine
giveaways.  The winners of three issues of Mary Engelbreit's
Home Companion are:

Marianne the Vintage Gal
Robin that Decorating Tennis Girl
Mica from The Child's Paper

Congrats to the winners.  Send me your addresses so Bentley
and I can visit the post office and ship them out.
Robin ~ I already have yours as you know!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Cute post and accompanying music! Congratulations on your wins. A new poker player is born. : )

  2. Well, congratulations! Wonderful images! ;-)
    Did you take your winnings and get a nice treat for Bentley?

  3. I play online Texas Hold 'Em fairly frequently (playing against the computer with FAKE money.) I enjoy the game and sometimes I do fairly well. Still, I know as soon as I would sit down at a table with real people, I would lose quickly and big!! There is a reason I am not allow to go to Vegas anymore!!!! LOL!

  4. I've seen one or two of these before and they always crack me up.

    So perfect for your post!

  5. Susan ~ that sounds like such fun! Good for you winning two pots ~ wow. I've never played poker but Mr. Vintage has. I don't know that I would have the nerve to play. Good for you!
    I will e mail you soon to give you my address. Thanks so much ~ I won a pot too ;-)

  6. An odd tidbit about me: I've never played cards! Don't know why.

  7. I would never have guessed you were a "card shark" LOL!!! Congrats to the winners of the give-a-way!

  8. Sounds like you had fun. When we had our construction company we played once a month.

    Love the dog art you used in this post.

  9. Sounds like you had a fun night! Congrats on beating the boys:@)

  10. Way to go girlfriend!! My dad taught me to play poker very young but I have not played now in years. Thanks for sharing your victory.

  11. Cute! I'm really loving hearing some Kenny Rogers, too. I might have to start listening to those country legends again!


  12. Congrats on your wins.

    - The Tablescaper


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